Post by X factor on Dec 3, 2015 0:26:41 GMT -5
Continued from previous post
I remember that one black lady in Florida who shot gun into air to scare off attacker, no one was killed or hurt, but domestic attacker fled, yet woman arrested, jailed, and sent to prison for doing what she should of done, what everyone could do, if allowed.
But the 'Law' doesn't want that, instead 'The Law' wants you to be a victim, get shot, then call the police if you're still alive, then when they show up, praise them as hero's, for doing the exact same job you could of done if allowed to.
There are many cases like this where citizens jailed, sent to prison, for 'fighting back'.
Cops are elevated artificially to super high hero status, cause that's how the State Authority wants it.
I no more praise cops than I do city Sanitation workers or animal control, it's a job they get paid to do, since the State won't allow others not recognized by them to do.
If someone breaks into my place right now, there isn't a cop around who's going to be my hero, or save me, they'll only show up after I'm injured or dead, then they'll be called the hero, even though they didn't do nothing but take a report.
And If I survive, by shooting back, cops will show up, seize my weapon (leave me defenseless for weeks or months) take me downtown, finger print ect ect, court hearing, attorneys, loss wages, name in paper (makes you bigger target), and if intruder who was shot has good family attorney, could loose at trial and end up behind bars simply for protecting yourself.
So don't give me this 'Cops are hero's' crap.
Everyone, at least those with a spine, could be their own hero's if 'The Law' allowed it, but for some reason the law does not.
Post by X factor on Dec 3, 2015 11:28:29 GMT -5
5 million deputized citizens would have far more crushing effect on crime than just a few selective State officers on the streets!(citizens, deputized ones, should all be issued machine guns, as private citizens are the first line of defense, first victims, not cops.) 5 million deputized citizens would have far more crushing effect on crime than hired law can, does, and or ever will... And this is what bugs me about fake, talk radio bred, Fox News bred, political type conservatives who are brainwashed fools, trained to be that way, bred to be that way, only to benefit political packs, and not common people or sense. Of course cops are going to always seem like 'hero's' when everyone else has been told, by the law, that they can't defend themselves!! The States like ' If you want hero's, than worship our State Officer hero's'But what would happen if a bunch of private citizens showed up to bank robbery scene, and took out bank robbers themselves? What would happen? I'll tell you, all of them would be arrested! The law doesn't allow you or me to be hero's. You have to be 'licensed' approved by the State, in order to be a hero now. Most are afraid to even shoot back now, cause they know if they do, they'll be arrested right along with the bad guy. So instead the State forces us all to worship State sanctioned, paid, and approved hero's. As they swarm in after casualties, and simply stand guard and clean up the mess. I have nothing against the Police, and realize they do good secondary work, like investigations, and follow ups, and serve warrants, ect. But the true front line will always be citizens, yet laws cripple citizens ability to serve and protect just like cops do. Not everyone needs a badge issued by the State in order to feel a call to dutyAdded: Nor do I use political retarded rhetoric like 'liberal' ect... Cause I want all people of common since to see the light, and using political terms designed to malign, split and divide, only serves the 'powers that be'.. You cannot, will never ever, be a true, practical conservative if bogged down in day to day partisan spoof, talk radio, Fox type of thinking. These ratings driven game show host shows keep people dumb, are paid to. They keep people dumb and basic, as ordered to.
Post by X factor on Dec 18, 2015 16:11:28 GMT -5
Washington D.C. is ran on, fueled by, money and power, not small town Conservative valuesTalk radio dopes, I mean listeners, who still believe all this 'Conservative value' stuff that Candidates preach, that talk radio hosts like Limbaugh and others hook people with, if one still believes that's what makes D.C. go round, than one is hyper dense. Small time conservative values is to be practiced in thy home, with family, friends, and inner circlesBanks run this world, not 'values'.. I know that may rub many the wrong way, but that's reality. Ideology, small town values, is not the Governments role in the year 2015. Ugly reality but true. You only thrive in D.C. if you can make others rich as elected official. And I'll build off of this theme in later posts to make sense of it all.
Post by X factor on Dec 18, 2015 20:45:02 GMT -5
Will Smith said something very interesting todayWill Smith said this today.. 'I love this nation so much because America is the only nation where 'Will Smith' could even exist ' (on phone right now so thoughts a bit scattered) In other words, even though you may not agree with the personal politics of Will Smith, even he acknowledged that America is the only nation where a 'Will Smith' could exist. I thought that comment by him was very telling, and honest, genuine and sincere. I've always enjoyed Will Smith, his movies... At first I didn't like him from in 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air'...but learned to like him later.
Post by X factor on Dec 28, 2015 8:19:59 GMT -5
Who are the people who participate in polls?Are they aliens from another planet or something? I mean on CNN they just said in a poll that 'Americans' nervous and scared about another terrorist attack, and confidence in President to thwart attack is down... Who are these people? Does the news just make crap up? Cause I've yet to run into any one that gives a squat jack about terrorism fears in their backyard. I know Tornadoes just struck Texas this past weekend, I know people are uptight about that, NFL games completed, I know people concerned about whether their teams make play offs or not. New years eves party, people uptight about whether they'll have time off, and I know inner city 'black' folks are more concerned about American gangs and or perceived hostility cops have towards them, as yet another officer on citizen shooting took place this weekend in Chicago where innocent lady who called them got shot right along with subject. In other words I know people are concerned about many things, but in no conversation now or a year ago, or in between have I ever ran into anyone in the rural country or urban areas or suburban areas where they're all pre occupied with fear of ISIS or terrorism. That's why I ask who are these people being polled? Are they the same people paid to be polled over and over again? Are they other reporters polling reporters? Cause in real sidewalk life, I just don't run into these people.
Post by X factor on Jan 5, 2016 13:39:15 GMT -5
The fine line between militia and pop culture Conservativism...actually the line is thick and differentSell out!Dwight Hammond and his son are sell outs! Sorry but they are. They have thrown away the history, nation changing, moment of a lifetime for what??? To appease the Federal Government by giving up 5 more years of your life?? And what will that solve, rectify? This is why nothing ever changes, cause the majority of 'whites' have become nothing more than paper sleeping giantsIf I had been Dwight Hammond and son this is what my actions would have been. 1. I first would of thanked and embraced militia...no matter what...I would of thanked them for risking it all for me and my son or dad. 2. I would have gone to seized Federal compound and supported those who supported me, to the death if nessisary. 3. More than likely peaceful resolution would have occurred, but at first sign of trouble 10's of 1000's of fed up rural Americans would of flown in, drove in, trained in, hiked in, and this would of become history changing moment. 4. And at least could write book afterwards, make movies, get movie rights something, anything. 5. But now Mr Hammond Sr and Jr, have absolutely no leverage at all what so ever...cowards, so willing to surrender 5 years of their life for a Government that's trillions in debt. Shame on them!!Shame on them for throwing away the efforts of hardened patriots who simply want Federal Gov to butt out and quit seizing peoples lands! If you all want a spokes person I'm the one...and please don't be fooled by my looks...I'm from that area!! And sorry, but the Hammonds are sell outs!!Castrated sell outs... This could of been history, nation changing moment, but the Hammonds chose to kill it. I was tempted to drive out there and join movement. Cause I can give voice where others cannot. I salute the brave men held up in that federal compound... I'm not some stupid, pop culture, Fox type of Conservative.. I'm the real...if the cause is right.
Post by X factor on Jan 5, 2016 16:55:33 GMT -5
Presidents gun dealer restriction speechIf I thought you, the reader, were stupid, the way Rush, Hannity, Michael Savage, Levin and all the other ratings driven type hacks, who have gotten rich off of their audiences stupidity...If I were like them my reaction to his speech would be the following...just like theirs. "oh my gosh, President bad, President is Hitler, President wants to ban all guns everywhere and for all time, President coming for you tonight, ahhh...run to the hills, buy all the guns, ammo, weapons while you can... If I thought, or expected you to be stupid I'd say that. But since I expect my readers to know better, and to actually use their own brains I won't go there and instead say this. Nothing in what President said in speech today will in no way shape or form effect your right or ability to go out and buy whatever type of gun you want, not now, today or tomorrow. I know, I know, that doesn't appeal to your bias, anger and stupidity the way talk radio hosts, and those on Fox needs it to. But here I appeal to your better senses and common sense, not your darker senses for ratings. Being a Conservative doesn't mean you should give up your brains and stop thinking and simply become a tool of those who once elected change nothing for you, but pretend they will on campaign trail.
Post by X factor on Jan 8, 2016 1:13:20 GMT -5
I deal in the rational
I don't fear the President, not yesterday, not now nor will I fear him tomorrow, as such I'm able to approach or discuss issues while being rational.
Fear makes people irrational
1. If I want to buy a gun legally, I can go get one tomorrow or anytime, nothing President has said, done or proposed has restricted my right, as a consumer, to get a gun.
Remove all the emotion, the hate, the fear, the talk radio rhetoric, lobbyist sponsored rhetoric ect ect...and bottom line is nothing President has done during his 7.1 years in office has effected my ability to buy a firearm.
Background checks in no way shape or form prevent me from getting a firearm.
I say this as a upright responsible citizen.
As a law abiding citizen I could care the less if gun dealers are held to higher account.
The real issue to me are unlicensed illegal street gun dealers that flood the urban streets by reselling either stolen or purchased guns to gangs, drug dealers thugs ect...to me that's where the crack down should be.
Again, I'm not owned by any ideology, I don't 'hate' the President, don't even resent him any more or less than anyone else or politician, as such I can think rationally about this issue in my mind.
Since no ideology owns me I don't feel I have to tear apart and inject conspiracy theory into every word President speaks, I didn't with Bush, Didn't with Clinton, and won't do it to next GOP President.
My job to myself is to always remain rational so I can think.
Fear clouds judgment, clouds emotions, and makes people ineffective at communication.
It's why all people do on these talk show panels is yell at each other anymore...all they do is yell over each other, like irrational hobbits on a playground, adults wearing ties and dresses yelling out insults at one another, the President ect and it disgusts me to see how this is sold by cable news as 'news'.
It's nothing more than verbal wrestling matches, sold and packaged as entertainment under the guise of politics.
It's unhealthy and sick.
I will remain independent and free of any groups influence...I just like being rational about things.
People with agendas, who are paid to say this or that, or who are brainwashed to be fearful, cannot ever be rational, instead all they can ever do is accuse.
Better them than me cause I can't live with that type of ugliness inside of self.
Post by X factor on Jan 8, 2016 1:32:52 GMT -5
Being passionate about an issues doesn't mean on should surrender being civil towards others
In my book I put Christianity above politics.
I put Christianity above 'Conservatism'.
Conservatism, to me, is secular based ideology used by a few to group many together for the purpose of elevating a few to power.
Christianity is something you practice in the home, Conservatism is something pretended to be practiced in D.C.
Conservatism cannot save my soul from hell.
Believing in Christ can..(for those who subscribe to religion).
I've observed very ugly, none Christ based behavior lately, from many who claim to be 'Conservative'.
Politics rots the soul, where as I believe Christ based love redeems the soul and makes you Love others, want to redeem others rather than slay them.
Conservatism (modern TV/ talk radio version of it) makes people want to slay others, hate others, accuse others, brings out ugliness in others that are contrary to what Jesus taught.
If there is a 'God' and the new testament is true, than more and more I'm seeing how Conservatism, at least the political brand of it, is nothing more than a counter fit religion.
Being a conservative will not save any ones soul from hell fire.
And I can see why many churches have simply walked away from politics all together, and instead practice virtue at home and in the communities they live in.
To me that makes more sense.
Politics, political conservatism, is about money, power, influence and control, and has nothing to do with Christ centered principles anymore.
Post by X factor on Jan 8, 2016 1:43:50 GMT -5
I observe that Christ doesn't even matter to most people anymore who claim to be ConservativeI think 'Christ' has become an annoyance to most who claim to be 'Conservative' now...I just don't think Christ matters to people anymore. Most always assumed that about 'The left', but seems more and more on 'The right', have thrown Christ into the bucket as well. Politics has simply reduced the platform to one groups carnal interest vs another groups carnal interest, as such in the end none of it matters.. Gun, no gun, none of it addresses the issues of my soul. In fact nothing Congress does anymore, addresses issues of my soul, nor does anything discussed on talk radio, it's all just secular babble now, done for entertainment. All I see is hate and irrational thought anymore from those engaged in secular ideology. Politics just seems to bring out the ugliest side of human behavior, makes people condemn and hate others for no apparent reason, other than 'it feels good'. Hate, hating others, always feels good when there's no Love inside of a person.
Post by X factor on Jan 9, 2016 14:31:51 GMT -5
Just not into this whole 'cops are hero's' sentiment.
I see it like this, if the State would allow everyone who wanted to be a 'hero' to be one, and give such people the same immunity to prosecution as cops get, while using a firearm, you'd have millions of hero's over night, where people would get involved where they don't now do to legal implications.
I mean even if licensed to carry, if you discharge your firearm at another (justifiably) you still have your whole life turned upside down, risk lawsuit, jail time, ruined name and so forth.
If millions were deputized over night, and allowed to 'purge' communities of the trouble makers, America would become Saint like almost over night.
Everyone knows who the trouble makers are, but can't do anything about it do to 'the laws'.
So all most can do is wait around to be victimized, then call 'the law' after incident.
I think every man, not just cops, want to be a hero and do the right thing, but just aren't allowed to.
Post by X factor on Jan 9, 2016 23:53:30 GMT -5
Republican Politicians regain control of Senate in Mid Term electionsYe, so what... People are dense..these cycles are normal...when Rep President in office, Democrats win mid term, and when Democrat President in office, Rep win mid terms. This has been going on for decades..yet those blinded by partisan stupidity have no broader perspective other than 'today'. It's like 'rah rah rah, Republicans won'... But nothing will 'change'...the over all path of nation will not deviate...those who are poor will still be poor, and those who are wealthy will continue to increase their wealth. The only people who won last night were a few politicians...that's it. Oh sure, dumbed down talk radio hosts and their listeners will have a 'rah rah rah' day on radio today, but again, nothing will change...nothing, nada. But at least they can sleep better at night knowing a politician they voted for is in office, whom they'll never ever see again now that elections are over. People who are successful and get ahead do so outside of politics, not within it. Partisan politics benefit politicians, and the power brokers who control themTrumps cross over appeal is do to fact he's not a political droid. Partisan politics is why nothing meaningful ever gets done, is why deficit continues to rise regardless of who's in the House, Senate, Congress or holds office...don't matter, nothing ever changes do to partisan politics which creates this illusion that one party is less influenced by 'Lobbyist' than the other, when as Donald Trump has said many times himself. 'Myself, and others, we fed, feed both parties behind the scenes for favors later'Senators, Congressmen ect, go to D.C. to get rich, to make others rich, and to ensure they stay rich long after leaving office...if you think they go there to promote 'Small town values'...you're mistaken, that's what church is for, and the home. It bugs me on social media when I see some who have been so programmed by talk radio hosts to just blindly hate 'Them', you know...the 'Liberaaaals' and or 'The Demooocraaats'. It's all a ruge, done for ratings. Truth is people have more in common politically than not, across the board, and on the one or two issues they may disagree on it's not do to politics, could be do to culture, religion, or just preference. People within same 'group' may have opinions that vary more from one another than someone outside the group. It's why we can't assume we know what others believe based on Rush, Savages, antics driven radio shows where logic and reason do not prevail. Cause all they do is keep the establishment class in power, those who have or put corporate interests above yours. These corporations are globally owned now and could care the less if America goes bankrupt, they'll just take the money and run and start over somewhere else. Trump, unlike anyone else in this race, has the ability to bring voters together across party lines, why? Cause he appeals to their smarter instincts of survival Notice Trump never insults the rank and file of either party...notice that? (he attacks the politicians, not the rank and file voters of this nation who he knows are fluid and change preference all the time)Yet that's all hacks like Rush and Hannity and Levin do is insult insult insult the rank and file of 'the other party', thus turning people away from message (not that those clowns have one) that may make sense to them. But they're not going to stick around for the message when all Rush, Savage Hannity ever do is insult people of various backgrounds and political leanings that they may not fully embrace but are more so by default, but still to hear Rush ect, blindly attack them for no reason turns millions of voters away from message. Partisan politics benefits talk radio hacks, who've become rich off of creating 'enemies of the state', and partisan politics benefits Politicians, who once in office go along with the flow, just like Paul Ryan just did. Wake up. Trump has woken up many by just saying he wants to make America great again to include all, not just Republicans. Everyone wants to be great, and he appeals to that in people and just pulls them out of their parties into an arena of common sense, which has been lacking in politics cause politics is dominated by money and power, not sense. Trump can actually fix things, the other candidates just say they can or willIf they haven't their own funds, like Trump, than how are they going to be any different than any other elected official over the last 30 years? They'll get up there and nothing will happen, absolutely nothing will happen. The Zone predicted that way back during mid terms. So stop attacking Democrat voting rank and file, for they're not the ones attacking Trump or Cruz or ect...it's other higher ranking GOP members who are attacking them..know your enemies, political enemies that is, and it's not rank and file Democrats you work next to at your job and go to ball games with.
Post by X factor on Jan 10, 2016 21:40:42 GMT -5
My Hero's Matt Damon just won best actor at golden globe awards. Well these men aren't acting, their standing on principle, standing against encroachment of land by Federal Government, and whether agree with them or not I like the fact they're not acting, rather they took action, doing what so few are willing to do in this day and age. Most of us are like a frog in a bot of slow boiling water, the temperature goes up so slowly that most of us stay in the bot even when cooked and to late to jump out.. These men jumped out of the pot before it reached boiling temperature. And it's sad how many of us would rather sit at home, watching the golden globe nominations for actors, rather than taking some real life action of our own. We've all become way to complaisant, as long as we're fed, have our heat, lighting, conveniences, entertainment, we're content...frogs in boiling water. I just wish I weren't 1/4 of the world away or I'd join them, not on the ranch, but outside the ranch, and bring them much needed social support.
Post by X factor on Jan 13, 2016 18:39:21 GMT -5
Not sure why media Conservatives all feel they must resemble a collective sticker bush day after Presidents last 'State of the Union AddressI mean just being ugly for the sake of being ugly is evil. It use to didn't be like this, but now you have all these radio shows, TV shows and their personalities each trying to 'out hate' the other, cause I figure the more they can stir up resentment against the President, insult the President, than the more 'cred' they have with unique brand of audience each of these sick talk radio hosts has built up over the years. What I heard today totally disgusted me, hate just for hate just for ratings. I don't even want to waste time responding to all the blind 'hate for radio show ratings' that I heard today, cause it doesn't matter, none of them are 'saved', none of them are redeemed, they're simply secular talk radio hosts all vying for the biggest audience where to them conservatism has come down to nothing more than hating on elected President. This section here wasn't created to mimic that, it was created for people who like to think about things beyond the poison of talk radio/Fox brand of entertainment Conservatism. Conservatism is actually becoming a nasty word to me now, the way they made saying 'Liberal' was bad in the 90's. Now when I type out or say 'Conservatism'...not really sure what that means anymore cause all I can conjur up in my mind is rage, insult, disrespect, cry baby, doom and gloom. To be honest with you nothing good comes to mind when I utter those words no more, that movement has been hi-jacked by media hosts who have taken it to a ugly extreme, more interested in promoting their shows for ratings, than common sense and civility. The President did what he was suppose to do, what President have always done, and that is lift the nation up. To me, whether I agree with his outlook or not, he's the one standing, he did the right thing, it's the mud slinging that began afterwards by these media conservatives that is demicable. Even the bible says you're suppose to focus on the good, on Christ, where as talk radio hosts want to steal and rob people of any type of joy or positive outlook simply to replace one jaded politician with another. What they're doing to their audiences is sick, and if you can't see that than there is no more good, but simply one form of bad vs another form of bad.
Post by X factor on Jan 16, 2016 21:53:55 GMT -5
Conservative or no Conservative, no one likes being lied to and played like a fool by politiciansRubio is nothing more than a cookie cutter hollow politician, who uses the exact same sound bites you hear on talk radio, it's as if the Senator really did get his education from the Limbaugh's rhetorical school of higher learning. Marco Rubio sounds like typical politician, groomed, programmed, to serve the establishment Err, President Obama wants to take all your guns, If I'm elected President I won't do that
When debate moderator asked him to name one specific time President said that, what specific law was aimed at taking guns away from law abiding citizens, Rubio just fell back into talk radio mode (which means he has absolutely no respect for his supposed base) 'President wants to take all your guns, and as President I'll ensure that doesn't occur'
This is the type of crony, talking point, conservatism that has duped voters over last 40 years, and when people like Rubio get in office, groomed by the establishment, nothing ever changes, and most to stupid to see that. The establishment is a bi-partisan coalition made up of globalists, banks, money and power. They're who run and own all Federal politicians, the ones who finance their campaigns. Senators like Rubio are nothing but parrots to the establishment, it sickens me that most don't see that.