Post by X factor on Jul 2, 2014 14:13:56 GMT -5
Any one or talk show host, who tells people that all of Americas issues began with, and will end with current President is either a bold face liar or a Con man.'Hello folks, Welcome to my show, All problems originate with this regime...the whole planet was holy and healthy until Obama was elected, and erh, in order to fix the problem, you must vote in my powerful Republican friends...yep, that's the answer...just vote in a different set of politicians who are beholden to the same powers Obama is, and everything will be fine....and remember folks...Republicans always gooooooooood....and democrats always baaaaaaaad....The only people dumber than Rush are those who actually think the man is genuine. 'Oh, and one more things folks, thanks for helping me buy this $40 million dollar mansion, If I earned minimum wage I could never afford this beach front palace with multiple homes on it, but I want you, my faithful stooges, I mean listeners, to continue to earn minimum wage...minimum wage goooood, unskilled workers baaaaaad.
But what spare change you do have left over, please continue to support my shows sponsors...cause there's a few more Jets I want to buy, and more property.
Post by X factor on Aug 12, 2014 12:08:04 GMT -5
This is why I'm correct in saying that Rush and his audience are both deliberately ignorant
For a caller to suggest that a Rabbi in Miami getting 'shot' by a random street thug or robber, and a black hobbit getting shot by a armed Police officer is totally off par..
Rabbis in America do not have a history of being shot by Police Officers or Sheriff deputies or State Patrol or the FBI or any other State Sanctioned Officer, where as Black males do!
And the only time black males getting shot does get attention anymore is when it's done by sanctioned State Officers, expecially when the victim is unarmed.
Rabbis or 'Jews' in America don't have this occur in their communities, where Armed State or City Officers regularly patrol their neighborhoods and harrace their youth...if they did I garuntee you they'd be just as upset as inner city folks are when it happens to them.
Jews don't just get pulled over for being 'Jewish' in America, like black folks do, for if they did I garuntee you they'd be just as upset as inner city folks.
The outrage comes from a history of State Sanctioned Officers who seem very trigger happy when it comes to younger black males.
Regardless of how one feels about 'blacks' or the inner city culture, at least be honest about the dynamics here.
I can't stand listening to radio shows like Rush where no one is honest, instead they approach everything from this 'coy' viewpoint, as if others are to dumb to catch on to their condescending mannerism.
Not here Rush.
Post by X factor on Oct 5, 2014 10:38:39 GMT -5
Even the great German battleship 'Bismarck' eventually went down and sankFor decades rush Limbaugh has wreaked havoc on all his political and social 'enemies'...fellow Americans who have or had a different view point than him. And for decades rush has used his profit driven radio platform to destroy the reputation of, to slander, ridicule, make parodies of countless dozens, hundreds, he see's or saw as unfit to be American. He's gone after their families, their hobbits, their parents, their color, their place of origin, their religions, their orientations, anything he could grab about them to degrade them on his show. And never did he allow or offer them a chance to defend themselves....all one sided, where he uses, used, public air waves to denigrate others at will, knowing those he attacked had no way of defending themselves or reputations or opinions using same platform to reach millions. rush has gotten away with this for decades. But Karma is a 'B', like they say. And soon he'll have to answer to the ghosts of all those he's destroyed. His day will come, just like everyone else's... Eventually even the great German Battleship the 'Bismarck' was sunk, and went down, after allied troops got sick of it's crap. And if you think only Democrats are annoyed with rush...well He's a selfish, self absorbed for ratings talk radio host who only looks out for himself, and has sank, spoiled, the campaigns of many Republicans over the years also, had he just kept his big fat mouth shut!
Post by X factor on Apr 27, 2015 20:57:01 GMT -5
If Rush Limbaugh is the gold standard of Conservatism, than the devil has succeededRush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck and others in that circle deliberately lied today by deliberately editing and then twisting the words of the Mayor of Baltimore by implying to their audience that she gave a green light to rioters to destroy property. According to these talk radio liars this is what the Mayor said and meant. 'We have given the protesters space to protest and have given the rioters space to protest'Only a dishonest person with very low projections of the Mayor (for various reasons), would honestly suggest such a thing. An honest person with no agenda knows she meant or implied that looters took advantage of the space provided to the peaceful protesters, kind of like in the bible, the parable about weeds and grass growing in the same field. But talk radio hosts like Limbaugh and others totally twisted it simply to get a rise out of their audiences...sorry but there's nothing conservative about being purposely dishonest in order to smear someone or a whole people simply for ratings. The Mayor is accountable to many above and below her, and such a endorsement of violence would not be tolerated, she'd be removed from office if that's what she actually implied. Normal non politically or racially jaded people know this, but obviously those who worship talk radio hosts do not, who routinely lie in order to 'scare' audience or 'outrage' audience into listening for ratings. If ratings driven talk radio hosts like Rush and others, are the new standard for Conservatism, than why even become one? If the new standard they set is to lie, bend the truth, just to get people to tune in, than what standard are they trying to uphold, what lesson are they trying to teach? They're all snakes to me, not cause they're conservative, but cause they're snakes who play on the emotions of others, spit on their audiences intelligence, and cause they lead people away from any real sense of God divine, and instead lead people towards their own dark human natures and interest.
Post by X factor on May 4, 2015 12:08:30 GMT -5
Rush Limbaugh praises groups, that the 'Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as 'hate groups'On his show, a few minutes ago, Rush Limbaugh called the 'Southern Poverty Law Center' a 'hate group' for simply them identifying groups, clubs, that preach, teach, encourage hateful animosity towards general public for a variety of racial, soxual, heritage reasons. Not once did Rush Limbaugh critique any of the groups mentioned on the Southern Poverty LC's list. The groups are broken down into distinct identity or ideology movements, for example.... 1. All Klan groups 2. All Neo-Nazi groups 3. All Black separatist groups 4. All skinhead groups 5. All homophobic groups and more. Read the complete list Here>>>> Hate groups (link in red) This is why Rush Limbaugh could really care the less about whether Republicans win at the polls or not, if he did he would not make such reckless statements. But he doesn't care, what he cares about is his ratings and his EIB network. Rush will be rich and fine regardless of who wins any election, as such his main purpose in life is to promote himself, his opinions and his show...dam be the Republicans. If they get elected fine, if not, fine, he'll still have a show regardless. Richard Butler has long since deceased, but again Rush Limbaugh's hostilities on his show were directed at the Southern Poverty law center for identifying hate groups and acts of violence they commit around nation, rather than at those the groups lists...which means he's basically defending all the groups on his list as meeting his standards of 'good citizens'. So basically all those groups listed on list are Rush Limbaugh's ideal citizens. (click to enlarge) Click to enlarge) Read more on the list right Here >>>>>Groups Rush Limbaugh sees as ideal Conservative CitizensI guess Rush Limbaugh has broadened the definition of Conservatism to include hate groups.
Post by X factor on May 4, 2015 16:41:09 GMT -5
According to Rush, this kind of a environment is good for all of us and is a conservative valueAnd if you disagree than you're a 'Liberaaaaal', according to Rush's logic
Post by X factor on Oct 16, 2015 14:37:50 GMT -5
Why Donald Trump inspires hope, joy, and encouragement in people and why Rush Limbaugh inspires hate, hopelessness and intellectual fraudOdd how at a Trump rally, people who gather, do so almost like people gathering for a football game, a Friday night football game (college or high school) which brings all fans of the team together, of all colors, denominations, religions, sides of town ect. Trump rallies just have a JV league football feel to them where everyone in attendance is focusing on a victory, united in one team, regardless of their personal differences. That team being 'America' and all the fans in stands being Americans rooting for their favorite team. And Trump is the announcer or coach..more like the coach. On the other handRush Limbaugh is totally incapable of doing the same, even though both claim to believe in same value system, this is where the fraudulent nature of Rush spills out, for those who are keen. (him and other talk radio snakes.) First question to think aboutIf Rush and other talk radio hosts like him, are so effective, than how come over the last 25 years of their dominance in the media, 'Liberalism' (as they call it), Liberal policies, continue to make Legislative in roads all over the nation??? I mean isn't that odd? With all the Republican politicians, Judges, Governors, and even Presidents, how come supposed 'Liberal politicians' continue to shape the landscape of this nation??? Liars like Rush will tell you'Oh gee, duh, it's because Conservative politicians are to afraid to stand up to Obama, don't want to be accused of being called a racist...duh'Question...Before President Obama what was their excuse? Trump appeals to a lot of people of all classes, parties, colors, cause Donald Trump, for the most part, tells the truth. Also today on Rush Limbaugh's show, he openly lied about who donors give to, which is in direct contradiction to what Trump has been saying. Rush Limbaugh the liar tells audience ' 'Err duh, all the rich donors all give to the Democraaaaats...err duhDonald Trump the truth teller has revealed (and what smart people already knew) 'The billionaire donor class gives to both parties, a little here, a little there, they wedge their bets, their money, on whomever they think is going to win'. Trumps version is much more accurate and truthful as even he has admitted to doing the same. Truth is the donor class, Billionaire families, Corporations, who control the economy could give a crap about Dem vs Rep (it's all a smoke screen used to keep talk radio listeners dumb and stupid). The donor class wants what they want regardless of who's elected, be it Democrat or Republican. Small town values don't make the world economy go around, rather trade deals do! You people who worship Rush Limbaugh (and others like him) have been duped. The reason why nothing has changed even while under so called Rep or Conservative politicians, is just like what Donald Trump has being saying... 'Cause they're all paid, sponsored, by the same donors behind the scenes, some of which are my friends!Rush is a fraud, and for last 20 + years has created a environment of hopelessness to his listeners, only so they'll tune into his show and see him as their political hero, yet has done nothing to personal fend off the tide of political absurdity sweeping this nation. President Obama elected twice under him and other so called conservative radio hosts! Yet their personal fortunes continue to rise, as they daily preach, and tell you how bad things are. Go ahead and worship this fraud if you want, as his fortune continues to rise, while telling you how bad your life is, how sucky the economy is, and how only he can enlighten you to the truth. Rush has zero value to me, and never once have I learned anything from him, ever. Except how to con others for personal business gain. To be continued. Trump truly wants to save this nation, talk radio hosts like Limbaugh just want to save their radio shows.
Post by X factor on Nov 9, 2015 20:12:11 GMT -5
I don't think being a Conservative means you automatically have to be racist or side against any issue that 'black folks' are for'
I'm not sure what Rush is, but I reject the idea that everything Rush Limbaugh expresses is 'godly' or 'conservative'.
I don't think being a automatic racist, makes one a 'Conservative'.
I think 'Conservatism' should always be value based, and not ethnically based or bias or 'divine destiny' orientated.
On Rushes show today all he did was attack those protesters at Oklahoma University.
But never once condemned those who wrote a Swastika in human feces, or other acts of open social racist acts.
Rush makes it seem that being conservative makes it seem you always must be on the side, and excuse, vulgar acts committed by 'white's' against blacks.
Nothing should ever be 'automatic', that's not Conservatism, that's bias.
I think these paying students, articulate students, were slighted, and that their issues weren't addressed by staff, than they have every right to make light of it.
But then again I haven't built up a Frankenstein audience that I must throw meat to for ratings.
Here in the zone, where it's quiet, one is allowed to think, and ponder, and even be fair.
Post by X factor on Nov 10, 2015 13:33:16 GMT -5
Conservatism I know, or recognize, Rush, I do notAnyone can sound 'right' when all they do is sit in studio and talk to self all day about issues, without actually going out into the field, or interviewing those involved in said issues. For instance, according to Rush, the black students, tuition paying students (who in his mind shouldn't even be there, in his mind they all got there do to vouchers and affirmative action, in his mind they all should be sweeping floors at Popeye's chicken) But anyways, in Rushes mind. 1. It's the black students fault, and Obamas fault, that certain racist on campus are harassing them, and calling them the 'n' word. 2. The students should just 'suck it up' and that by demanding respect, they're all being 'liberaaaals'. (Hmm, after last GOP debate, all I heard was whining and complaining from GOP candidates about how 'unfair' the questions were, and now Dr Ben Carson whining and complaining about how 'unfair' the media is towards him. So I guess it's OK to whine and complain, in Rushes mind, as long as you're whining and complaining about the media or President, which is all he's done on show for last 7 + years. Notice how not once Rush has condemned the actions of those accused of racially harassing the students, in Rushes mind they all get a past, rather it's the black students who want it to stop, while on campus, are the ones who are the nuisance. Racist excuse the behavior of other racist and condemn those who complain about being the target of racismAnd this is what Limbaugh pushes as 'Conservatism'?....who's conservatism, the devils?
Post by X factor on Nov 11, 2015 13:40:37 GMT -5
Why do racists, like Rush Limbaugh, always go after the best and brightest minorities?One thing all these racists, like Rush Limbaugh, have in common since the 1950's, is they always tend to go after the best and brightest minorities, who become the target of their demeaning rhetoric... I mean by todays standards, even yesterdays standards, seems the blacks who got harassed the most by racist whites (not all whites are racist) are the ones who were trying to improve their lives. Seems if you were black, as long as you lived up to ugly stereotypes, you were left alone, like selling drugs, being content shining shoes ect. But as with current student protests at Missouri University, seems the best and brightest in black community, those going to college, middle class and above, are being demonized by Rush and other racist talk radio hosts. Rush attacks hunger strike students motive and reveals that parents are very successful, and even teach at a church, and that just because his parents are successful, that some how he, the student, should be OK with being racially harassed while on campus. That makes no sense, well I guess it does to a segregationist influenced radio host like Rush. Kind of in the same tradition of how racist always like to attack black churches, which tells me their ugly mindset is not rooted in Godly principles, rather a devilish one. Anyways, I just notice Rush Limbaugh and others like him, are still carrying on that 1950 racist tradition of always attacking the characters, validness, of blacks who are actually trying to do better, are better, who are in college, have degrees, are Pastors ect. Seems to racist to be a 'good' black you just need to remain silent, invisible and never stand up for your personal dignity, cause if you do than you're a 'agitator', another word racist like Rush and others have borrowed from the 60's used by the Klan and other such groups or mindsets. In the 60's they were called 'black agitators' also, I guess they should of been content receiving food from back alley door, according to Rush.
Post by X factor on Dec 18, 2015 16:27:18 GMT -5
Instead of Rush telling the truth about power and politics, he continues to pitch 'Conservatism' simply for ratingsRush has built an empire on your stupidity. Rush, knows as well as anyone else, that D.C. is ran on money, commerce and power, not 'small town conservative values'. Yet fakes to be surprised when even when Republicans have majority in both house, Congress and Senate, so called 'Liberal policies' still prevail. Why do you think that is? I will just let you think on your own for a while about that.
Post by X factor on Jan 26, 2016 18:37:26 GMT -5
Is Limbaugh a 'Mite' to Conservative movement?A mite, like a parasite, blood sucks from it's host, which gives it life. Rush, and other talk radio hosts, tend to do the same...they blood suck from 'Conservative' movement in order to feed revenue to their radio shows...they do know, and expect you to be dumb, as they, or at least Rush, fly's off in his Lear jet yet tells his dumb audience, you, that wanting higher pay is 'baaaaad'... Example of how Rush Limbaugh has lied to audience over many administrations simply for show ratings and profit to his own interest.1. first lie'Hey folks, the reason why Republican Senators, Congressmen, go along with the Democrats and Liberaaaaals, is cause they want to be liked by everyone. (as Rush speaks with forked snake tongue) No, truth is is the reason why elected Republicans go along with elected Democrats on all things is cause behind the scenes they're all fed by the same donors! Money matters, not you! Securing life long security for their own personal families matter, not you! Once these elected officials out of office, do you think you matter to them anymore? Once they stop needing your vote who are you to them? Nothing.... Republicans do not resist Democrats on Key issues cause they're paid not to! Behind the scenes they're all fed by same donors, over seers. But it's easier to just believe Rush Limbaugh's establishment supporting rhetoric of... 'All Republicans goooood, and every single Democrat baaaad'Yet when Republicans are majority, how is it that same so called 'Left' agenda still passes and mandated? Never forget banks, financier's run this world, not elected politicians.. Rush Limbaugh has been lying to all of you over the years... Instead of pointing out true bi-partisan collusion partnerships behind the scenes, Rush simply tells his dumbed down audience that it's all the Democrats fault. (Bi-Partisan Collusion is term I got from Laura Ingraham's show today, at least she seems to be more honest about the way things are than Rush these days) What a calculated fraud.
Post by X factor on Jan 27, 2016 18:17:44 GMT -5
For partisan talk radio hack job, go listen to Rush Limbaugh's show, for true stuff, the Zone is your voice (Rush, the hack job, not honest with audience today, if ever, has to many commrads to protect) Limbaugh the hack, got call today from female caller saying how she loved M-Kelly forever, blah blah, but didn't like when she hit Trump with soxual harassment question during first debate. I'll just say what most already know, feel, that Rush the hack couldn't today, or he would of lost credibility since he's friends with Kelly. Bottom line is Megyn Kelly is basically a Fox News Feminist. She's a feminist who just happen to fall on the Fox or Conservative side of the wall in that it can best advance her career. She's a feminist, but because she's a feminist who works for Fox, and not CNN or MSNBC, Rush Limbaugh has to give her a pass. You all have know idea how much these talk radio hosts lie to you, withhold from you in order to protect their own brand of lies. Megyn Kelly is a radical feminist, whom ordinarily Rush would rail against, but as admitted today on his show, she's been to his home a few times. You all just don't get it, but would just rather keep hearing same o dumbed down created talk radio anthem... 'All Republicans good, and all Democrats baaaaad'... People have made a fortune out of keeping you dumb, Rush being one of them...later.
Post by X factor on Feb 9, 2016 21:26:31 GMT -5
Rush Limbaugh, the establishment mole (plant), his candidate Marco Rubio got crushed tonightRush Limbaugh is an establishment mole, or plant, designed to keep his audience dumb... Notice how all of Rushes establishment candidates are being rejected by the majority of people? And over last few weeks, notice how Rush Limbaugh has been getting or making snarky remarks towards Donald Trumps antics? Notice notice notice? Rush is a establishment mole or plant, and is the reason behind his shallow understanding of how the real world works and what people want and need to succeed, is why his show is based on generic partisan talking points... It's all the Democrats fault
Obama baaaaad, Obamas a socialist yawn... The Democrats hate America and want to tear it down, Obama baaaadAnd on and on, very generic talk radio host, but he's that way on purpose. As such he has created a very stupid block of voters, which comprise his audience, you know, the types who call up and say how everything they've learned in life came from his show.. 'Oh Rush, we've listened for 25 years, raised my hobbits on your rhetoric'Anyone who learns anything from Rush, other than ratings driven money making partisan rhetoric, may as well get there degree from a Cracker Jack's box. Truth is Rush is a plant, and is why under his show's reign, nothing has ever changed, President Obama elected twice, and Bush went out hard and low. Rush is an establishment plant, who elevates establishment candidates who then, behind the scenes, serve, obey, the exact same lobbyists, and donors, that Democrats do! That is why nothing ever changes. But stupid Rush will tell dumb audience the reason why nothing ever changes is because. 1. Republicans are afraid of offending minorities, voters, by resisting P-Obama (false) They don't resist P-Obama cause They're paid not to!You'd think not a single Republican or Conservative has ever held office over last 40 years. To blame it on Democrats and Liberals is absurd. How is it, why is it, that even when Conservatives dominate House, Senate, Presidency, it seems 'Liberal policies' still get passed? Rush will tell his dumbed down, none thinking audience that it's because Republican elected officials want to reach across the isle and don't want to offennnnd potential voters...hogwash...they don't resist cause, again, they're paid not to resist. D.C. is ran by BANKS, not small town ethics and values. That whole small town ethics and family values stuff candidates spout off is just a rogue. Trump won New Hampshire tonight even though Rush L was trying to prop Marco Rubio up, it didn't matter, the people spoke. Doesn't matter that Trump "Isn't good for the Republican party".. So what, Trump may not be good for the Republican party, or the Democratic party, but he's sure good for America. Sorry Rush, that all your establishment candidates are falling off the rails one by one.
Post by X factor on Feb 10, 2016 22:00:07 GMT -5
Rush Limbaugh's high school level education really beginning to showNot that only achieving a high school education is bad, but it does limit ones true understanding of how the real world works, and makes them come off as a bit, or a lot, sophomoric in how they explain things, or sometimes in Rushes case just out and right dumb... According to Rush Limbaugh, and what he tells his audience, 'Liberalism' is what is destroying this nation. Again, his high school degree level education would explain such a simplistic view of the world. Now please, step aside rush, and let me share something with you. 'Liberalism' has nothing to do with what's destroying this nation, just like 'conservatism' can't magically save this nation. Both are concepts practiced within individual lives, not how nations are Governed, budgets made, approved or declined, deficits built up. America is being raped, not by 'Liberal' minded people or politicians, but rather by powerful brokers of commerce and special interests that stand just out of view of the public. For instance Rush Politicians aren't sent to D.C. to practice Conservatism or Liberalism, rather they're sent their, campaigns financed, in order to make certain entities rich. Budgets make special interest entities, businesses, rich and is why both parties pass them, no matter how outrageous or fat.All that money, inflated money goes where and to whom??, ask yourself. The recipients of that money are businesses, contractors, special interests ect, they pay politicians to pass their budgets, appropriations, so their firms can get paid. There is no liberal budget or conservative budget there's just ' Pay me back budget', since I funded your campaign'... When Rush Limbaugh sophomorically (do to his high school degree understanding of the world and or mixed in with dishonesty) tells his audience that 'ideology' or 'Socialism' is what is destroying nation, he's way off the mark. For even behind socialism someone, big industry, is getting paid. And as far as socialism goes, sorry, but every politician in an elected office practices socialism and yields power from socialism concept of yielding power, steering money, funds, from one group to another with stroke of pen. Sorry but Ted Cruz, when in office, is just as much a socialist Government official as is Hillary, if not he'd simply return to private life, go home and mind his own business. But that's for another thread topic. In closing, cause I just don't have much time right now, Rush's high school degree level of education becomes more apparent with each passing day. Follow the money trail, if a so called 'socialist' policy is passed in the House and Senate, even when Rep's dominate, it's cause behind that bill some ones, or a business entity, is getting business sent their way. But maybe that truth is a bit to deep for Rush's simplistic view of thinking to grasp. For those out here in the real world, inside stuff, Rush L is a big uneducated joke, who has earned millions making people think he knows a thing or to. No wonder he defended Marco Rubio for repeating same statement over and over again, cause Rush does the same on his show... 'Obama baaaaad, Liberals baaaad, Conservatism gooooood, Republicans goooood'broken record m/f