Post by X factor on Jun 26, 2017 18:35:17 GMT -5
Under former President O, did not like the style or dishonesty of talk radio hosts, and now under current President Trump, talk radio hosts still annoy me in that they all feed off of negativity The whole premise of talk radio (at least the political kind)is to make you feel as bad and rotten about life and others that you can, other people, races, colors, political parties and more. Then after making you feel bad about life, others, the radio host steps in with 'fake solutions' and rants, that make you, the caller or listener feel vindicated 'Since radio host feels as I do, they must be very smart and keen, and wise'...says to listener. Like any scam artist, they paint the scene, then come in later as if their mindset, voice, is the cure, when it really isn't at all. Talk radio hosts are individual rodeo clowns to the smart and keen, and in no way shape or form does any value system I have run through ratings driven, book selling, con men. But all that aside, even under Trump, these radio hosts still produce very 'dark' shows, they feed off of negativity. They, supposed Conservative talk radio hosts, all they do is gripe and complain, and bring up negative traits of others, like Hillary, Former President Obama, Nancy P, and the rest. Or they repeat, re air, on their shows, all the absurd negative zaney comments made by 'The left' (stupid term to me but will use to keep it simple), and again, why? Why? It's like a spouse or lover who breaks up with you but still lingers around, they're addicted to complaining about how bad you are, were, but when allowed to go own separate way, they do not, instead they linger around, and continue to complain about you, and fuss. And that's what talk radio does, fake, book selling media or professional Conservatism, it just whines and complains about 'the left' or 'the liberals' or Obama, or Hillary, or Eric Holder, or Michael Moore, or Bernie S or Bill Clinton ect. All they do is feed audience constant stream of resentment and bitterness aimed at supposed political and social foes. Doing so changes nothing, doesn't change any policy, doesn't make your job any easier, it does nothing accept elevate host to their audience... They're all apart of the same coin. Proof Why not have a show where shows energy is not always based on political opponents or personalities? Why not just move forward with positive ideas, visions, and plans? Answer... Cause they can't, cause once became positive, and separated show from usual dark message of hating others, despising others, than show would lose ratings. Talk radio hosts are the drug dealers who introduce 'crack' to neighborhood, get people addicted, and now have steady stream of customers. Hannity, and even Rush, and a few others now even 'curse' on their shows, again, always pushing the edge, as what the 'left does' (or I should say the 'media left') For they are breatheren. Same circus tent, simply different acts within arenaOne last truth folks, and never forget this. Good and bad existed long before America ever formed, so did right and wrong, so did virtue. Good and bad existed long before talk radio hosts created their shows, so did right and wrong, so did morals and more (ever heard of Jesus?) The idea that ratings driven talk radio hosts, who have earned millions off of the stupidity of others, are some how reflective of 'values', is a joke to me. To be continued, didn't really get to main point I wanted to make about how their shows are still negative, all the time, their tones, inflexions and more. Trump, those who support Trump, see a stark difference in media and D.C. Conservatism vs practicality. And also, always remember this, these plastic talk radio hosts, in the beginning, 95% of them were against Trump!! Ask yourself why, and whom were they trying to protect? To be continued.
Post by X factor on Sept 12, 2017 14:10:31 GMT -5
Weekends, events, even Hurricanes, always peaceful until talk radio hosts return to their mics during the week
I know talk radio hosts are media pests, in that whenever they're off the air, say for long weekend or weather conditions, I'm way more at peace with myself, my surroundings, and those around me.
When talk radio hosts off air, I don't pre occupy my mind with 'hating on others', regardless of politics, I just live and let live.
But as soon as talk radio hosts come back on air, here they come with always framing everything in a political dumbed down Left vs Right manner, or 'black vs white' type of manner, talk radio hosts basically (and they learn how to do this), put out information on about a 8th-10th grade level.
It's either all of this or all of that, and anyone who disagrees with host is a 'Liberalllll'...
And the least amount of opposing guests they have own show, the more dishonest the talk radio host is. That would put Savage and Rush right up amongst the most deceptive over the years. Hannity does have guests, but always talks over them, repeats same 'statements' over and over again and never gives guest a chance to respond, what a con man does.
It almost, or does, annoy talk radio hosts when they sit at home, on weekends, and watch nation getting along without them, to watch people over come tragedy, with no labels, like during hurricanes.
Then comes Monday, and immediately the radio host go about splitting people apart who got together just fine over the weekend.
Talk radio hosts politicize football and more, and racialize even hurricanes, only focusing on the most agriegous acts of insanity, then racializing the one who did it, and so the 'irking' begins.
You just can't get through day in talk radio without race coming up in each and every show, even though they say that's all the 'left' focuses on, I'd have to disagree.
For I wouldn't know what the 'left' thought if right wing radio hosts weren't always quoting them for ratings.
Anyways, I totally enjoyed my 4 day break from talk radio hosts, but now they're back, on air, and agitating their listeners for ratings.
Post by X factor on Sept 18, 2017 18:01:46 GMT -5
Older white male talk radio hosts, constantly barking at hypothetical 'black' audience, advances nothing
It's always the same recipy when it comes to talk radio, and that is
1. Social disruption occurs, riots, protests, ect, and then 99% white talk radio hosts all begin badgering hypothetical black citizens and listeners with 'instructions' on how to improve condition and life.
I say 'hypothetically' in that their audience is mainly 'white', so basically the radio host just 'stirring the pot'.
(if were sincere would actually have on guests, those rioting, or protesting, and allow all sides, experiences, to be heard, but since not sincere, all these talk radio hosts do is 'malign' others, as a way of appealing to the biases of their audience)
An older, privileged crusty skinned white dude radio host can no more relate to what minorities go through in day to day life, than a pants sagging, gangster mentality type black dude from Detroit, can relate to and lecture a 'white' family in Kansas on how to act, behave and respond at yearly Farm festival.
Even if the black dude with saggy pants was 'right' about how to handle farm animals at the fair, who would listen?
Point being these self appointed moral 'white' talk radio teachers need to realize no one is listening to them, except others of same demographic, as such no message is getting out.
However, if they want message to get out, a positive one, than they need to seek out 'black' or 'minority' guest who are real, have lived, experienced hardship, yet over come, not do to anything a 'white man' ever said or yelled at them, but rather do to onw self respect, or accountability to parents or to God and or even nation.
Then people will listen who aren't crusty old and white.
Talk radio hosts, national ones, are pretty much all multi millionaires, and have been for decades, as such cannot pretend to understand the struggles of someone living check to check, white or black or Asian or Hispanic, as they bark over the mic, they just seem like old relic privileged crabs to most.
Don't 'talk about people' in divisive manner, rather have 'people' on show, like the PBS show 'A1A', where the host actually invites different points of view onto show, so audience can learn.
Where as with commercial talk radio, you learn nothing, other than how to malign those you already think you're suppose to hate.
Post by X factor on Nov 28, 2018 20:51:33 GMT -5
To this day, including today, Rush Limbaugh is one of the most lowest IQ radio host ever heard in whole life.
Not sure if they act dumb on purpose as way of 'mocking audience' or if their dumbness simply do to lack of real life interaction with real live side walk type people.
Rush the Dunce...and soon, will have platform to point that out.
And I'm a traditionalist, I'm not blind Rush hating type of 'Liberal'...
Rush, even today on show, continues to excuse, Rep politicians who didn't resist Obama cause of their color, but rather didn't resist Obama cause they're all paid by same global donors.
Rush L thinks you all are fools...
Post by X factor on Nov 28, 2018 20:54:26 GMT -5
Republican elected officials, under P-Obama's reign, the reason why they didn't put up fight or resist, cause they're all apart of the same 'order'...the fact that Rush Limbaugh, the dishonest dunce, doesn't tell you that should VERY MUCH CREEP YOU OUT.
His whole show, and his fake call in listeners, should creep all 'conservative' types out.
Post by X factor on Nov 28, 2018 21:01:54 GMT -5
Limbaugh is either a dunce, or a very deceptive fake conservative preying devil, can't have it both ways...is why all their callers so carefully screened.
Yet reta_ds worship and buy their merchandise, even though they're the one responsible for building up 'Never Trump' type Reps over their years who now impede progress.
I despise 'Savage' but in that sense me and Savage, for whatever reason, both see the phoniness of Rush...oh well...like it matters...people always chose their own gods.
Post by X factor on Feb 6, 2019 18:17:53 GMT -5
So called Conservative talk radio host still just as destructive, even under Trump
1. If you consider yourself a 'Conservative'
2. You tune into Rush, Hannity, Savage, Levin, and the rest, and all you're bombarded with is 'sound bites' from 'your' opposition.....why?
Don't these fake Conservative hosts realize if you wanted to hear the comments of 'Liberals' that you'd simply tune into MSNBC or CNN or NPR ect?...don't they realize that?
Yes, no?
In other words why are these talk radio hosts so bent on always depressing their audiences with negative comments, snippets, from their supposed political opposition?
(Are any of you out there capable of thinking at all?)
It would be like going to church, and having your pastor quote passages from 'The Satanic bible', just to get reaction from congregation.
Can not these radio hosts just enjoy 'Trump', without then always playing or airing a flurry of opposition opinion and thought.
And all of them do it!, all of them!
They go about depressing their audiences, whether Obama in office or Trump...and again why?
They're sick, that's why...and will explain later, and may find audio podcasts that explain it better, well maybe not better but just in audio.
Conservative talk radio hosts are con men...
Trumpsters need to be aware of this at all time.
Post by X factor on Feb 6, 2019 19:25:45 GMT -5
Folks, you'll get wisdom here you'll get no where else, but share it here first just to 'date it', time stamp it, for in future when copycats may steal.
1. America is already 100 times more socialist than
a. North Korea b. Venezuela (can't believe I spelled that correctly) 3. China
And more.
America is already fiscally, tax based, socialist nation, is why so many want to flood here.
Think about what you just read.
America is the most fiscal, tax based, socialist nation on the planet, in all the history of mankind.
So many of you have been duped by very low IQ talk radio hosts.
Post by X factor on Apr 5, 2019 17:31:31 GMT -5
Major fake Conservative radio hosts are still hacks to me, even under Trump, which they were all pretty much against when Trump first announced he was running.
He, Trump, was called a 'Liberal' by all of them, and made fun of.
That should tell you that 'media conservatism' was never about solutions are solving anything'
You can tell more about a fake Conservative radio host like Hannity or Rush or Savage or Levin ect, not by what they tell you, but rather that which they don't tell you.
Post by X factor on Apr 10, 2019 20:03:51 GMT -5
Talk radio show callers are some of the dumbest callers allowed through on air, either that or they're simply staged stooges.
Post by X factor on Aug 7, 2019 20:11:25 GMT -5
8 years under Obama I observed how rude, how gross, how ugly and vile media and elected conservatives could be, now under Trump I"m observing the exact same with media/elected Dems...and equally as repulsed.
Same ugly spirit...mean is mean.
And the fact that Dems won't even allow, or didn't even allow President to grieve with families, community, really sickens me, and others.
What a turn off, adults acting with less maturity than hobbits, what a turn off.
And if I noticed how ugly Democrats are acting lately, I'm sure millions of other 'real life', people are as well.
Post by X factor on Nov 22, 2019 15:40:21 GMT -5
LeBron James vs Donald Trump on Hong Kong
Lebron James, a 'black' NBA player lightly scolded Daryl Morey for posting political tweet which seemed to criticize China's handling of the Hong Kong protesters.
Lebron James totally scolded by 'right wing', Conservative talk radio hosts as selling out to business over human rights issues. (a farse)
Donald Trump, today, refused to sign a bill condemning main land China's handling of Hong Kong protesters and his reason why was 'I respect the Leader of China and we're about to broker major trade deal' = business and economics
Now when Lebron, the black NBA player perceived as putting business over principle, he (as expected by talk radio hosts) was labeled a 'sell out' to America by placing the NBA's business interest over human rights issues.
Yet when Donald Trump, the President, does the same thing, not so much as a peep from those who condemned L-James.
Truth is is that W male business men and have selling out America to China for decades, and their actions totally ignored by the slimy right radio hosts, yet L-James, a B NBA player perceived as doing the same, and he's called a trader.
Ask yourself why?
Post by X factor on Mar 27, 2020 22:06:28 GMT -5
Wow, where have all the so called Conservative radio host gone?
Wow, where have all the supposed Conservative talk radio hosts gone?
It's totally sad, pathetic and hallow to see them still try to blame 'Democrats'for being big spenders. I mean a 2 trillion dollar relief bill just past in Congress, approved equally by all parties..
Funny how unity is only achieved when both sides agree to larges spending bill in the history of this nation
And what do those at the bottom get?, crumbs, as usual.
$1,200 dollars is change when say behind 5 gran.
And Rush, the one who relentlessly attacked former President Obama for spending to much, I guess Rush has been pacified or 'bought' by Trump after receiving that award (forget name of medal)
All I know is Rush, Hannity, and the rest who relentlessy attack P-Obama for years, all seem quite now when Republicans out spending Obama by far.
They don't even sound fire and brimstone anymore, not Fox, not Rush, not Hannity, accept when fake believing Democrats are still the 'bad ones'...what a stupid act.
America is by far the largest, greatest Socialist nation ever to exist on the planet.
What other nation would hand away 2 trillion dollars to it's citizens, and corporations, and TV shows, and whomever else has their hands out?
That's socialism folks, not saying it's good or bad, but for years under Obama, that's all they cried and warned people against, and now look...not a peep from any of them.
Which proves they 'hated' Obama just to 'hate him', simply to appease their audiences and to sell books, and it sure worked.
Oh, no worries, I'm sure if next President a Democrat, than they'll go back to being Conservative radio hosts like days of old, and more books will be sold.
Post by X factor on May 21, 2020 15:06:35 GMT -5
America is the most successful, tax based socialist nation to ever exist on all the planet, especially for the wealthy!
Any talk radio version of Conservative type, who doesn't now realize America is the most successful, tax based, socialist system, nation, ever devised by man, any talk radio version of Conservative who doesn't realize that truth by now, is blind, or in denial.
No other nation in history of planet throws out money, invents money out of thin air to give to those or firms, investors, who already 'have'.
I've never seen anything like it, China doesn't do it, Cuba doesn't do it, North Korea doesn't do, no one does it, hands out money, the way America does.
I think other socialist nations are drooling at how well the American Government has high lighted socialism, a socialist utopia almost....but for the rich.
Cause when visited down town the other day, nothing has changed for those at the bottom.
So America is a rich mans socialist haven.
Any talk radio host who denies that is a blatant liar.
Post by X factor on May 28, 2020 13:38:20 GMT -5
Typical Conservative radio reaction to Floyd, and protests that follow
Protests gooooood when done in Hong Kong, cause those in Hong Kong fighting for libery
But protests baaaaaad, when done in America, when Americans who are not 'white' fight for same liberty.
Law enforcement baaaaaad, when going after Trump, as in FBI ext...baaad baad baaad.
But all Law enforcement goooooood when going after non white citizens for any reason at all what so ever...
And that's how Conservative radio hosts continue to reason, now either they're faking it, or they think that even their Conservative listeners are fools.