Post by X factor on Dec 6, 2020 19:02:46 GMT -5
Silicon valley, your wealth isn't mine, your wealth isn't ours, you mean nothing to us, me.
Just 10 toed geeky fk's who got lucky.
One mob away from nothing.
Post by X factor on Dec 6, 2020 20:39:01 GMT -5
If George Washington and his crew behaved and reasoned like common conservatives do, America would still be a British colony
'The Cage show' which is no more, may try to produce one more political episode just to demonstrate how current talk radio hosts are so misleading their audiences.
Current talk radio hosts want 'you' to be happy with a system that is edict by edict putting you into chains.
To be continued.
Post by X factor on Dec 7, 2020 1:20:30 GMT -5
Those who voted for Biden/Harris in California, you're getting exactly what you deserve!
Lock down, thanks to lunatic Democratic leaders in that State who have been told to destroy what's left of the middle class and small business owners.
If you voted for Biden/Harris, shame on you!!
Post by X factor on Dec 7, 2020 1:47:54 GMT -5
Oddly enough, this is when you need talk radio hosts to think more like the Mujahedin freedom fighters of Afganistan, and less like the wealthy fat studio preachers that they are.
Talk radio hosts will stand by and watch America go down in chains, and just continue telling you all, their listeners, to 'trust in the system', as you're led into tents.
It's already happening in California with the second lock down.
Silicon Valley and members of Government have declared war on the working class, the middle class, and small businesses, and no amount of ____ you buy are a dam good unless you begin to _____ ______.
Post by X factor on Dec 8, 2020 15:10:20 GMT -5
Going forward not sure where to go politically.
I mean I could spend half a day creating the most 'spot on' commentary about this election, then load it into a podcast, but then what?...a few listen?
Even if 20,000 listens, then what?, and kind of so what, unless could earn money from it somehow.
And that's the one thing I haven't done is monetize any of my writings or podcasts.
I'm just not cut out like that I suppose.
Expressing conservative views makes for a very lonely online existence actually.
IT's already lonely enough online, expressing conservatism makes it even more lonely, and unless like some 'template' looking 'Hunter type from Nebraska' type of conservative, than you're really even more alienated.
I think I represent more the 'Punk Rock' 'Rocker', 'David Lee Roth', ect type of conservative.
A colorful conservative vs some Hush Puppy and sweater wearing one.
we're the types who got Trump over the top, he drew people like us in by the millions, we're not the dull Librarian type of conservative types...but if Trump loses election, then what?
I don't know, I really don't, the world is really changing at a very fast pace now.
Post by X factor on Dec 11, 2020 2:16:26 GMT -5
Parlor The cage show is a collective of 'much' and 'many'...can follow the cage show posts here on parler.com/profile/Thecaigeshow/posts Hope to find new regular website for the cage show, but as of now it's a concept after show aired for a few years on blah blah blah....
Post by X factor on Dec 13, 2020 17:19:58 GMT -5
The Zone has zero issues with the 'Proud Boys'
The Zone has zero issues with the Proud Boys, none, nil, nothing.
Just wish they'd take their energy into public office where would actually matter.
Post by X factor on Dec 14, 2020 13:46:52 GMT -5
Talk radio hosts have become nothing more than useless chattering teeth, with no useful information anymore, they totally blew this election! Useless, all of them, chatter chatter chatter. Instead of educating their audience about Democrat operatives changing voting rules months ago, and then putting together commitees to fight it in court, instead these hyper low IQ dense talk radio hosts were celebrating in advance, like spoiled frat boys in a party. They wasted a combined 1000's of radio air time hours on absolute BS. I'm going to start seeking out alternative 'right wing' shows that actually educate their audiences instead of tap dancing for audiences like expecially that one annoying guy with British accent that subs for Limbaugh.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 7:56:42 GMT -5
I'm just not into politics right now.
Facts don't matter anymore so what's the point?
Now it's like just get in line for your shots, and dawn your masks and be controlled by the powers that be.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 7:58:14 GMT -5
While Conservative types out there buying guns, the Democrats were, are, out there buying votes.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 8:20:08 GMT -5
Nothing in the news interests me anymore, at least not the mainstream news.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 11:56:10 GMT -5
With Trump gone soon, everyone will go back to their individual camps and corners
Another sad or true fact is now with Trump on the way out, everyone will go back to their individual camps and corners.
Remember, not all Trump voters are or were Conservatives, not even, Trump voters were 'logical' politically, but not neccisarily politically conservative.
So now with Trump gone, people, groups, ideologies, will all begin retreating back to their individual corners and camps, and the coalition that formed around Trump may not ever be again.
In that sure, die hard Republicans will rally around their Senators and Governors, but many Trump voters will not...and in the end that just means more Democrats will take seats and or that many Republican elected officials will become more 'soft' on their stances as not even they want their twitter or FB posts muted.
Who would of ever thought the day would come when twitter and FB have more influence over society than our elected officials, wow.
And they all had 4 years to fix that problem and didn't.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 12:00:11 GMT -5
Now many on the 'ground right', will simply go back to their slogans, that when you challenge, you'll be called 'the left', and well the left already does that.
Actually the left doesn't even bother labeling you anymore, all they do is 'mute' your voice, like cut the cord on twitter or google or FB.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 15:05:53 GMT -5
Limbaugh just got his butt tore in half by a angry caller, sounds like that caller has been reading this section, cause they practically echoed everything this section has been writing about and emphasizing for years
And that is that basically 'Pop culture Conservatism' has totally watered down the movement from action to 'radio theatrics'.
I've been trying to tell people that for years, right here in the political section of the Zone.
Now seems some or many are waking up, especially as more are being driven from FB and twitter and seeking alternative places to vent.
If you're a new reader, welcome.
Post by X factor on Dec 15, 2020 15:08:33 GMT -5
All the 100's of 1000's of guns purchased by NRA types did what? All the millions of guns purchased and held onto for dear life, did what to protect this nation from political tyrany?...absolutely nothing, not a dog gone thing, all it did was make gun manufacterers more rich. This idea that one or two men with guns, held out in the mountains of Virginia, are going to reverse things, please, even Virginia is a blue State now. The forces that be have swept in and seized America, including those clinching their guns, the forces that be have seized 'us', like a stench windy breeze blowing all around. One can no more defend against this new enemy with a gun, than one can shoot at the wind, and expect to hit anything. But oddly enough, the one wildcard lurking in the shadow is 'North Korea'..huh? Keep an eye on North Korea, Trumps pit bull. This needs to be read again...all those guns have about as much use as scrap metal, the Democrats have wrapped their tenticals around the heartland anyways, or testicles, whatever.