Post by X factor on Apr 10, 2014 13:49:42 GMT -5
Money or time, which is worth more?If someone offered you $5 million dollars, and a whole complete year of life to enjoy it, but not a second more, would you take the deal? Or they could guaruntee 10 years of life instead, you wouldn't nessisarily get rich, but at least you would know you have 10 years of life guarunteed. Which is worth more to you, 1 year of prosperity and wealth, or 10 years of Time, 'just living, getting by, best you can'? $5 million, one year of life or 10 years of life, nothing guarrunteed... The decision people make will depend on their age...I think the extreme old and extreme young will probably make the most rash decisions, where as those kind of middle aged...say from 25-50, would think long and hard about their decision.
Post by X factor on Apr 11, 2014 18:11:03 GMT -5
Ok Ok, I know I know...you just want 'me'...the blogger, to say hello, like old times, on a Friday. Ok I will...hi. It's Friday...hurray!. My Fridays more like this Yes, believe it or not that's me, a portrait taken about a year ago. And a reality that still exists. This is my Mansion, and I am the ghost that haunts it...
Post by X factor on Apr 12, 2014 3:07:17 GMT -5
I just heard on the news that France is only in debt to the tune of 2.5 billion dollars...good for them. That's just about what two of our Stealth fighters cost...and then the fleet was retired.
Post by X factor on Apr 12, 2014 22:18:48 GMT -5
I'm not a lemon type person.
I don't like lemon with anything I eat.
Not fish, not tea, no sea food, drinks, nothing.
Please do not ever assume I want lemon flavor added to anything I eat or drink.
If I eat a lemon, it will be raw, separate, and by itself, or lemonade, without anything added to that.
Post by X factor on Apr 14, 2014 20:41:08 GMT -5
I'm the 'Sith Lord' and the person I'm expressing this to is 'Vader'...but in a positive way.
Notice how all others abandoned them, but not me.
Even Obi 1, left them for dead...but not I, the Sith Lord, who out of passion and love, showed up, flew in, to salvage such a great mind, personality...
But in a positive way.
This person I speak of is Vader, but in a positive way.
And I rarely do this...I rarely blog a post about such a special one...
Post by X factor on Apr 16, 2014 21:03:00 GMT -5
You feel so much better when you wake up, or come home, to a place that's sparkling clean, and sanitized. The less clutter, the better cause you're thoughts aren't bogged down with mess. No other beings on this planet really accumulate things accept modern man. Most animals, other beings, simply live by the minute, and seem to do just fine. Stuff, just seems to get in the way of clarity most of the time. Clutter, stuff, materials, what a drag. Yet a butterfly packs nothing when it leaves home, and does just fine. The further we get away from things that are basic, the more stressful life becomes. There's a lot we could learn from butterfly's....
Post by X factor on Apr 18, 2014 20:16:29 GMT -5
Sometimes it seems money has the ability to heal situations, relationships, even more so than 'Love' or 'Sentiment'. I mean if you show up somewhere, to mend a relationship, and you have a million on you, or in a briefcase, seems all past issues are instantly forgotten, all problems, issues, solved. It seems money, lots of it, just heals things instantly. But if you show up with just sentiment, and words, seems nothing ever changes, old wounds never heeled, and the past never goes away. I'm not saying I agree with this reality, but none the less it does seem to be a kind of earthly reality. Handing someone $10,000 dollars just seems to have a more binding effect than just showing up and saying 'I'm sorry', or 'Can we move on'. Of course even that situation is a 'relative' one, cause if you have to billionaires at odds, obviously money won't mend anything since both already have plenty of it. But to poor people without money, and lots of bills, and worries that circulate around lack of money, uncertain future ect, Money does seem to be a magical Band-Aid that has the ability to mend relationships. But sadly most can't use that method, and so relationships go unfixed for years, decades, until time expires.
Post by X factor on Apr 19, 2014 7:38:07 GMT -5
Saturdays use to feel bright to me, now more and more days feel like this, like darkness is forever creeping in. A sense that you're meat, that 97% of the things out there are out to get you, destroy you, your means of survival The irony is, when things are completely dark, there's a lot you don't notice, can't see, but when you begin to shine the light out into the area, then you notice, for the first time, exactly what's out there, and what's coming in, towards, and at you. Light, just seems to expose things you have no control over anyways, so in the end, it seems you're almost happier never knowing about all that was lurking in the dark. But once you do know, see, it's hard to go back to the mindset you had when you didn't know or see. Knowledge indeed is a burden, no wonder in the Garden of Eden, God didn't want Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge, and warned them to stay clear of it. The dumbest people seem to be the happiest, and those who know the most, seem to be burdened with knowing things they can't control or do anything about. Like knowing there's a 10 foot spider up in your attic, but for years you didn't know it was up there and lived perfectly happy, but now someone tells you there's a 10 foot spider in your attic, and even though nothing has changed, just knowing it's up there changes your life, your mood, your attitude. It would be better to not know about it, than to know about it, and nothing changes...only now you're fearful. Evil has always been in the world, it was here when we were born, when we were 2,5,10,15,20,30 ect, but the happiest years most have is when they were sheltered from knowing about the evil that has always existed around them, us. And maybe that's called 'Innocence', the believe that you're good, your environment is good, and that everyone around you is good, and looking out for your best interests. And with innocence comes trust, and when we end up trusting in a monster, our innocence is shattered. That monster could represent a person, a community, a religion, or a Government. People usually get mad and bitter in life, when the world, other people, the functuality of society, is not as they invisioned it as growing up. (sorry, kind of shifting themes here) If the Country, Nation, isn't how 'we invisioned it', than it's wrong, everyone else is wrong accept 'me'. People are constantly trying to reconstruct the world, their community, into how they think it should be, based on their unique experience when younger, and is one reason talk radio thrives, and this whole notion of 'Let's take back our Country', mentality. But the wise realize that one persons Heaven is another persons hell. The 1950's was one group of peoples heaven, but another group of peoples hell. Not sure if it'll ever be possible for all people, to simultaneously to experience Heaven on Earth at the same time since everyone has a different vision of how things should be. Putins (Russian leader) vision of Heaven and peace is different than David Cameron's (Prime minister of Britain), and so forth. The Native Americans vision of happiness and peace is obviously, or was obviously different that the European settlers that drove them from their lands and put them onto Reservations. Anyways, thoughts keep branching off into other areas, hey, it's Saturday, relax and enjoy the day however you can. So glad I don't have to deal with shift work anymore, where someone scheduals you to work on the weekends. So glad and grateful that at least I have a job where I have the weekends off.
Post by X factor on Apr 20, 2014 1:42:23 GMT -5
I'm a radio person, I have cable now, but still prefer radio. The only problem is, unlike TV, current AM radio programing is not that diverse in it's programming. Other than Coast to Coast, which is a over night paranormal show, all other shows are pretty much the same format... 1. Political talk radio 2. Sports talk radio 3. Religious radio 4. Weekend house/garden radio...yuk 5. Hunting fishing radio... 6. Loud Spanish speaking radio I really wish the days of diverse radio programing would return, with more non political shows like Coast to Coast, or even The Clark Howard show, who has a consumer advocate type show. There also needs to be a news channel...I mean real news, not opinionated talk show host who are constantly campaigning for politicians, I'm sick of political talk radio and wish they'd quit shoving politics down our throats. I wish they'd bring back theater radio, where they would air shows specifically made for radio, on air. Like audio books, where you can lay back and listen to story being told, and sharpen your imagination. Currently in most markets, if it's not hostile talk radio, or sports, than it's religious radio, where you hear the same ole sermons told over and over again, the same ole 'Give your life to Jesus now' type shows. These Pastors are so out of touch, and don't realize people are so past 'Giving their life to Jesus', most already have, but life still goes on, people still struggle, and need help, suggestions on how to over come issues in 2014, not 400 BC. Then you have Spanish stations which always seem to blare super loud, they always seem to have the loudest Watt output, where the DJ's love yelling into the Mic between the music. And then weekend shows bore you to death, with garden shows, yawn, hunting/fishing shows, yawn, and boring financial shows where they talk about port folios, stock dividends ect, it's all so flat. FM radio I avoid altogether, I'm just not a 'pop' music type person, and constantly listening to music, to me, is for zombies. People who constantly listen to music have dead brains to me, and are never able to hold decent conversations, always fantazing about being more, doing more while living their life through bands and songs, and rap...gross. FM radio represents idol worship to me, their the type of people who never notice the Stars right next to them, and have been brainwashed to only notice talent on other far away, distant, and who appear on TV or on stage. Being around such people in real life depresses me, cause they have depressing spirits, you can never impress them unless you're one of their TV or radio band idols. They see the world as 'us', ordinary people, and 'them' stars and celebrities, and have very flat dull personalities, and will fail to recognize potential in their own co-worker or sibling or friend. They're always looking up for inspiration, instead of laterally. You could waste you're whole life around such induvisuals, and they would still never see the potential you had, cause they're to busy idolizing fake movie stars, or day dreaming through pop music hits. But once you turn the music off they're totally hollow, never have anything to say, never have original ideas, just flat, like soda that's lost its fizz. All that said, I still prefer AM radio over any other medium, only cause it makes you think, and you get to hear from real people, callers, who call into stations and add to discussions.
Post by X factor on Apr 24, 2014 19:21:52 GMT -5
Cool cool video of Ali and Stallone actually engaging one another at awards show...such a classic scene...
Post by X factor on Apr 26, 2014 19:09:11 GMT -5
Hello all, hope all is well, oh what a day, what a week. I bought a tennis racket today, not sure why, I'm mean it's not like I have anyone to play tennis with... All I can really do is practice serving. The main thing is just getting out, exercising and keeping the body limber and flexible. Life is short, you never realize that until you almost loose it, or think you're dying, and if, whenever, you think you're dying, you'll be surprised how 'sudden' it is, the finality of it, no more chances, no good-bye's, it just happens quick, bam!! So may as well live while alive, cause no telling what follows. This may be it, or there may be more adventures to follow. Being conscious and aware is really a gift, and it only occurs on one planet out of millions of lifeless ones floating around the galaxy, life is rare, conscious life is even more rare. I personally hope most of us get a second chance to get things right, to prove we've learned from our mistakes. But you need memory in order to do that, without memories, without being able to remember past experiences, you may as well be dead. I mean if you can't remember what you did 500 years ago, than what's the point? And if some day you can't remember what you did now, than again, what's the point? Memory is life, memory is how we can compare, and appreciate things. Also, been trying to create news letter, and create other social sites, it can be draining. I also realize simple is the best...and content is King. Some sites are complicated, but there's no content. Keep it simple for self and others. But while conscious, we must all keep growing and expanding in order to fulfill whatever destiny's we may have. Anyways, I'm distracted by radio playing in background about Clippers owners comment...back soon.
Post by X factor on Apr 27, 2014 15:33:18 GMT -5
How come?How come attractive people like this or attractive people like this here... Never seem to work in blue collar jobs? as in Security guards, welders, drivers, plumbers ect. Attractive people, at least on the surface, just don't seem to work ordinary blue collar jobs. And when they do, they don't ever last long, they leave and are replaced by heavy set security guards like this... (click to enlarge)Security guard positions, at least where I'm at, always seem to attract the least attractive people in the employment pool. I mean If I have to be groped and felt, and searched, why can't if be from attractive types? Instead it's always from bland, no personality, featureless types who don't know how to make conversation. I think attractive people don't like blue collar work, and instead prefer office/clerical/management type of jobs.
Post by X factor on Apr 30, 2014 6:24:36 GMT -5
Good morning. When you think about it, all we really have is 'now'. Nothing else really matters, tomorrows not here yet, so tomorrow doesn't matter, and yesterdays gone. Now, is really all that matters, and is why animals don't have anxiety attacks. Also, be careful the kind of furniture and bedding you get, less is better, smooth is better than course, when it comes to keeping things sanitized. Don't help create a second environment for bacteria or bugs or even bed bugs. I like things that are clean, shiny and that I can disinfect simply by wiping down. And sometimes we have to disinfect our lives from environmental debri as well. Mental clutter, social clutter, negative clutter and just enjoy the 'now'. Sometimes simple verses in the bible actually do start making sense as you navigate through life.
Post by X factor on May 1, 2014 17:13:36 GMT -5
I'm getting to the point where I want things, within place, to be clean and clutter free, even things sitting out on counters are beginning to bug me, and seem like clutter. I would love to have a kitchen like this, totally clean, bare, yet practical and easy to sanitize, no clutter what so ever. When things are clean and tidy, it always makes me feel like everything is new, like springtime, happy time. When things are cluttery I feel like I'm being buried by my own past, which won't let me escape. When things are clean, sparkly and clutter free, it's like being born anew everyday.
Post by X factor on May 3, 2014 5:27:04 GMT -5
HypercubeEver seen that movie where a group of induvisuals wake up inside mysterious hypercube. Every room looks the same, but every room has slightly or radically different dynamics to it, traps. And the cube was forever shifting, and imploding so that if they stayed in any one room to long, the environment they were in, along with themselves, would be destroyed or become irrelevant. And I've often compared this dynamic to real life, in that everyone is in that hypercube, in that space, that environment. Life is always changing, shifting, so that if you stay in any one mindset, or space to long, it, along with yourself will be destroyed, in the sense of it or yourself will become irrelevant, meaningless, and so that reality forces you to 'keep moving'. Like the hypercube, no environment stays the same forever, things are constantly eroding behind us, and if we don't keep moving, evolving, we erode with that environment which is no longer relevant.