Post by X factor on Mar 9, 2014 12:56:18 GMT -5
I have mixed feelings about how Police Officers Patrol the Hood, or poorer areas of any cityThere's a saying, everyone loves the Police until you get pulled over by one. As one who has lived both in upscale areas, poor areas, white areas and black areas, and Hispanic areas ect...I can say without a doubt that police patrol each of those areas differently. I can honestly say that if one is 'white' and lives out in the burbs, you can get away with way more than if one is 'black' and young, living in or around hood area where you have way more patrol cars, and where cops regularly set up 'stings'. You are 10-20 times more likely to be pulled over for doing something in the hood, while black, than you are for doing same thing if white, while out in burbs or rural area. Sadly, if one is black, they're a cop magnet, a visual magnet for cops to attach their eyes and bias, and sumicions to....and that's just the fact jack. My issue with this heavy policing is that after a while it actually becomes the police who create the conditions of despair for many in the hood, particularly males. If the cops are determined to pull over every single black male who drives by for the slightest little issue, and then issue them a fine or citation, which goes on their license, that hurts that persons ability to get a job down the road. And this is done aggressively in the hood areas, where cops 'hunt' for drivers to pull over for the slightest infraction, and seem to enjoy wrecking lives, destroying lives of someone, or a person who really wasn't all that bad to begin with. Cops are human yes, but many are also mentally sick, and derive pleasure out of destroying lives by using power State or city gives them. Many cops can be like cold hearted soulless monsters, or like computer programs that just go out to wreak havoc on a system. Many cops loose sight of the 'big picture', nor do they care about the 'big picture', all they care about, (some) is the 'high' they get from exhorting their authority on a neutral citizen with no defense at all...kind of like being paid to be a Bully. 'Want to be a bully, and force people to comply to your commands, than become a cop', is how some in the force think. They, many preditory cops, actively seek to destroy, economically castrate, the future of all black males in the hood by writing them up on every, and the smallest of traffic citations, and then the Judge and DA and prosecuters follow suit by throwing the harshest penalties at them that they can, and then wonder why the same males, when 18 or 24, can't find a job, can't get employed, cause the city cops, county sheriffs, went out of their way to destroy their futures. And as one who has lived in both rich white areas, and poor black areas, I can tell you cops do not do the same to white youth, cops do not patrol white areas and go out of their way to pull over young white males to destroy their futures. And that's the fact jack. Now don't get me wrong, I despise criminals, why do you think I started this thread, I also despise the whole 'hood mentality' behavior, but at the same time I don't like seeing Police officers creating generations of criminals by stripping young men of the ability to succeed in life by always citing and jailing them. Cause these same young men still have 5-50 years of living to do, and if they can't find work at 18...what are they suppose to do? Cops shouldn't be crippling peoples ability to get ahead in life, when in other areas white youth do things that cops simply yawn at or give a lecture to. It's all about perception I suppose... But I see cops destroying whole areas of towns, cities, by haracing the poor, and making it harder for them to rise up...the whole criminal system does, then they later, from their pillars, complain 'Oh gee, look at these lazy ghetto types, they sit around all day doing nothing, to lazy to find work'... Like self fulfilling prophesy or something...they want blacks to do bad, be bad, and so subconsciously create conditions to make that come true. 'lets arrest and pull over all the people we think are to dumb to be able to afford lawyers or know their rights'... Human behavior is human behavior, whether one has a badge or not.
Post by X factor on Mar 9, 2014 19:17:23 GMT -5
Everyone exploits people in the hood, including foreignersI guess foreigners in the hood just assume people in the hood can't count money at the register. You get these young East African types, or Mediteranian types who Move to America, then set up convience stores in the hood and rob customers of hundreds a day by short changing them. I guess even before they arrive here, they're told that Americans who live in the hood are 'dense'. Then they move here, and start working in store already owned by Uncle or other family member, and they see how people behave in the hood, and I guess figure they can get away with ripping people off. Until they run into someone smart, who's not from the hood and who can count change. (basic kindergarden stuff) Then here come the excuses as they try to justify why they over charged you by $1.00 or more. Then they're even more surprised when you have a very healthy command of the English language, and once again make them feel like a foreigner. Not only that, but foreigners never hire blacks or whites or Hispanics to work in their shops, foreigners only hire other foreigners, blatant discrimination, but no one says anything. You never see a regular hood 'black' or 'white' person working the register. People, at least in public, and while face to face, form an opinion of you based on how you speak. If one speaks hood English, lazy English, foreigners take this as a sign of stupidity. They're like 'Wow, English is my second or 3rd language and I can still speak it better than my customers who have lived here their whole lives'. They figure if black people in the hood still can't speak correctly (or anyone else) that they must not be to bright and so feel justified in exploiting them, as they probably would in their home countries. So I correct them when I can, but one or two or even 10 well spoken people can't change the perception of 1000's of others who don't care. The problems in the hood are just to big and massive for any 1 person to change alone. All you can really do is move away from it when you get the chance.
Post by X factor on Mar 9, 2014 19:37:51 GMT -5
Living in the hood wears you out, cause you're constantly having to prove you're 'not like the others'.
But that wears you out, it wears you out emotionally and erodes away at your happiness and self esteem.
Distinctions aren't really made in the hood, if you're in the hood, it's just assumed by everyone your trash.
Regardless of your color or shade or level of education or how you speak, everyone just assumes you're trash, from the Cops, to the Convient store clerks, to even others living around you.
It's hard to find positive energy in the hood, it's hard to find anyone with dreams, or willing to share them.
It's near impossible to find someone who breaks the mold, dresses differently, acts differently ect.
The only time you get that is if someone who's not from the hood, happens to move into the hood, or hood area.
The place I stay at is actually not so bad, like an Island of peace surrounded by chaos....I got lucky I suppose.
Not only that but they're trying to clean up the area by driving away all the non productive citizens who move in and bring crime.
Almost like what they did with Harlem, how Harlem kind of rebuilt itself and is now becoming an upscale, working class neighborhood.
As more and more middle class people, families, move down, and not up, as they move down, and are forced to move into poorer neighborhoods where rent, homes, are cheaper, their tolerance for hood behavior is short.
When this class of people starts moving into the hood areas, cops ramp up patrols.
I hate to bring race into this but Cops love to protect 'white' people.
When a white family moves into the hood, the Police are everywhere, suddenly, to protect them.
When poor whites move into a neighborhood, all the BS stops, the city takes notice and drives out all the criminals.
That's good, but it's also sad that responsible black families can't have the same effect.
I look forward to one day leaving this area, and being able to write about new environment.
I only write about the immediate environment I'm in.
Maybe my next environment will be living around Cowboys, and I can write about the ups and downs of that culture, or maybe it will be living around yuppies, and I can write about that.
Or maybe rural country folks, and I can create a thread titled 'Life in the sticks, life around stick folks'...
I only write about what I see right in front of my face as I'm experiencing it.
Post by X factor on Mar 14, 2014 14:44:36 GMT -5
Every time I traverse through the hood area on way to my place, I want to throw up when I see young males embracing that whole 'street' gesturing, walk, clothing, all the things that make one mentally incompetent to deal with society 10 years into the future.
I spoke with a 'real G' or former one, last night, whom himself has realized how flawed his younger years were, and now their making positive changes, but it took time in the Pen for him to realize all that, time in the Pen and age.
It's why I hate seeing youth embrace habits that will destroy their lives years down the road...and it's not do to racism, racism has nothing to do with it...
It's do to the embracement of a destructive mindset and culture.
And then they all become a burden to society years later when can't find work, when commiting crimes cause can't find job, do to criminal record, when not getting married, yet making women pregnant, who herself can't get a job.
It's depressing to have to see people who have accepted this type of life as 'normal'.
Post by X factor on Mar 15, 2014 19:53:12 GMT -5
The longer I'm here, the less comfortable I feel. You would think it would be just the opposite, and I think that proves that this area is not, and will never be 'home' to me. Or maybe it's just where I stay...I don't know. Sometimes it can just be a side of town, or area that turns you off, and maybe not nessarily a whole region. But I'm not trying to do the 40 mile one way commute thing, that alone would depress me...giving up 2 hours a day just for commuting. I suppose if I had a family it would be different, but I'm the type that likes to live right where I work. I was listening to a sports radio show the other day, and they ran trivia, and none of the urban callers who called in even knew who the 'Beatles' were. And that's what I mean about culturally small minded shallow people. I mean most all whites know who James Brown is, know who MC Hammer is, know who Aretha Franklin is, know who Stevie Wonder is, but when you come to the hood, where there's no cultural range, no one knows anything about music history, all it is day and night is mind numbing rap. Everyone in the hood is monolithic. If you're use to diverse thought, styles and range, it can be quite smothering to live in such a community. Where everyone is dead stupid, unless it comes to street stuff. Not all black communities are like this. It's just many blacks in Ghettos, or the SE areas, never spread out, never were allowed to intergrate into other communities, as such never received anything new in terms of ideas, ways of thought ect. And is why you see the same behavior repeated over and over again, regardless of what hood you go to, kind of scary when you think about it, how people in a Detroit hood, act just like people in a Miami hood, who act like people in a Dallas hood, same mindset, different locations. I want to move back to a place (if they exist anymore) where there is absolutely no hood, no generational poverty, no social illness, no generational single mothers where projects are set up. Although now days, projects are about a thing of the past, and through vouchers people who use to live in projects now move into regular apartment complexes and destroy the place. I don't know if it's getting worse or better in other areas. Then in the SW you have a wave of immigration, everyone speaks Spanish practically. I just wonder if there's any regular 'Leave it to Beaver' neighborhoods left anymore, where you just have normal working class people, families... A place where there's no crime, where whole families live in houses, no urban styles or mannerisms at all, a place where people are practical, go to school, college, graduate, join military. A place where the county jail isn't crammed packed full of black or Hispanic males... And if blacks do live in area, have severed all connections with colonial mind damage way of thinking. And instead think like normal mature stable minded adults. (not sure if any ones totally mature though). I don't want to live in areas where there's 'sections of town where these people live and those people live'...that's always a bad sign. That means one side of the town is doing well, and the other side is ghetto. Not sure if such a place even exists anymore, and if they do, trying to find work is a whole other issue. I know such communities still exist, but they're usually in colder states like Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Eastern Washington, Western PA, Maine, New Hampshire ect. Usually in areas with wonderful summers and freezing cold winters. Oh well, either way I'm sure this is my last year here. I've grown and matured since first arriving here, and now what I see on daily basis is just unsettling to me, I'll never ever get use to the absurdity of it all.
Post by X factor on Mar 19, 2014 15:57:19 GMT -5
One day a black on black civil war or cultures will occurToday I met, chatted with, a 49 year old black male from Texas (originally). And found the things he said to be so refreshing, and re affirming, it's as if he himself could of written many posts in this section. In other words, the mindset and behavior that plagues this current generation of inner city types, does not represent other 'blacks' born elsewhere, or raised in the church, or who have active relationship with the Church or God or a Savior. Nor does inner city Sodom and Gomorah inner city behavior represent many blacks raised far away from urban squalors influence, like blacks raised in Idaho, or Eastern Oregon or Montana or the Dakotas ect. They are totally two separate classes of people, who embrace totally different value systems, whom unfortunately do to similar ethnic traits, society lumps together. I can tell you right now, upright, outstanding people, who happen to be black, say 'Amen' to every post on here. It's a generational thing, and a ethical thing. I know, I talk, interact with folks....and it's a regional thing as well. Blacks born in the SE, have the most phycological damage of all, in how they define self and others like them. And areas where many from the SE migrated to like Chicago, and Los Angeles (not so much today) Areas where blacks from the SE migrated to, for decades represented cities with the most destructive urban violence imaginable. Anyways I'm kind of mixing issues here. Back to 49 year old black male or man from Texas I spoke with today. We were in total alignment with everything...and they complimented me on my intellect, and asked me where I was from (Washington State), and when I told them they even knew, were correct, about how damaged SE blacks would resent someone like me...and he was correct. I've always liked Texans...Texans, whether black or white or Hispanic, are just very practical people. And from talking to this man, from Texas today, and former Army, who happened to be 'black'...our discussion we had will spawn many future posts on here. Cause he helped me to realize, affirm, that indeed there are two or maybe 3 or 4 totally separate classes of 'black folks' in America. Not all 'blacks' can be lumped in the same bucket, as TV and media would have you to believe. Not all blacks are the same, not even. Not all blacks are immoral. Not all blacks embrace filthy rap lyrics. Not all blacks are hood or ghetto. Not all blacks 'dense'. But I find it gross how self loathing, saggy pants embracing, hood blacks, with no value system at all what so ever, seem to be the standard all people of color are measured by. Not on here...even if it takes a cultural civil war to occur...these gutter self loathing blacks need to be chopped off and separated from those who want more, and who are more...to be continued.
Post by X factor on Mar 22, 2014 14:44:11 GMT -5
This is not a judgment for or against, just a real life observation. And that is women in the hood (or maybe now any community), only wait so long, and then decide to get pregnant with or without a husband or marriage. I've been here for several years now and can't tell you how many women I've met who on surface put up such a 'proper' I go to church demeanor, who put up a 'I don't sleep around' demeanor, just to see them end up pregnant months later, with no husband and not married. It's like a biological clock ticks within all women... And if husband isn't found within 'said time', the process of 'settling' occurs, the process of just allowing which ever man happens to have crush on you at time to get you pregnant, occurs. I've seen this played out time and time again. The urge to create offspring, start a family occurs in the hood with or without suitable husband or marriage. I'm talking even amongst higher moral compass people even, not just welfare types, but working class types. In this day and age of modern convience, and a shortage of suitable men, women in the hood (and elsewhere) really see no need to wait on marriage to create family. And unfortunately there are to many sorry men willing to be used as 'breeders' to carry out woman's wishes. There's always willing male breeders in every pack, who only care about 'the moment', but not the 9 months of pregnancy or 18 years of raising. Marriage is not even a word you hear in the hood anymore...Marriage, what's that? Again, not judging, just observing. I mean if a female in the hood, where so many males are ill equipted to get a job, where the males don't go to college, where many have petty or serious criminal records, what's a gal to do?? In order for many women in the hood, black women in the hood, to find a suitable mate, they'd have to socially cross over, date outside community and or ethnicity. And actually higher degreed black women do do that...more and more black women arechoosing to date outside confines of hood males. (see link in red)(dating site where black women date white, and 'other' men). I mean can you blame a woman for doing that? What woman wants to forever be with a man whom forever always acts like a teenager, dresses like a teenager, thinks like a teenager, listens to teenage music all while age 43. Many black women, females, who are educated, get sick and tired of baby sitting their men, and want some financial help and future security, and want 'class'. As such they've opened up their range. But not all truly 'hood' type females are socially comfortable doing that. Many black women raised soley in the hood, are only comfortable with other hood types, and would have no idea how to behave around a white or Persian Stock Broker or Engineer living in normal middle class neighborhood where people don't litter and attend community meetings. All I'm saying Is I've observed the need to breed trumps even religious and social values. The need to breed comes first, then religion may follow or social morays. Cause at least in the hood, if most women waited around for suitable man to marry, most would never marry.
Post by X factor on Mar 23, 2014 22:14:26 GMT -5
Most blacks in the South East have more racist venom in them than do 'whites', and I mean venom towards other blacks.
It's a sickness.
Create a Frankenstein image, then judge all other blacks, or people by that image.
Close minded South East blacks, who have never left area, are some of the most dense souls I've ever encountered in my life.
I guess it would be equivalent to some rural town in Utah, where all white youth automatically think all black males are pimps or rappers, and or that all black females 'shake their booty', like in rap videos.
Post by X factor on Mar 27, 2014 16:29:07 GMT -5
Whites, white youth, bring more 'diversity' to the hood, or any area, than 'blacks'No one has ever heard this before, cause most don't know how to be honest, neutral and simply observe, even if observations go against supposed 'self interest' or 'ego' or 'pride'. As one who has always been rejected by all, and loved or liked by a few, I can be honest with what I observe, since I'm a pitch person for no one. And again I repeat 'whites tend to bring more diversity to either the hood, or urban areas than do 'hood type blacks' or even 'hood type hispanics'. For one, regardless of going into history and the 'why's', whites tend to be more comfortable in their skin, and generally more accepting of others than other socio-economic or ethnic groups. I'm not talking about your politicized Fox News, angry bitter types, I'm referring to just common, next door neighbor type of white person who doesn't make the press headlines. I've lived in a variety of neighborhoods, and straight up can say it's the 'whites' who bring diversity to areas, and not blacks or even hispanics. When I live in black areas, everyone is 'monolithic', the same, same dress, styles, music (rap or R&B), same slang, same speech pattern, same everything, like clones. When I've lived in predominatly white areas, every white person I encountered was different, some liked jazz, some like rock, others liked country, some were into Opera or the arts, some where gay, some bi, others loved to hunt and fish, some loved hot rod cars, some were very religious, some were punk rocks, grunge, and some even liked rap, death metal, heavy metal, blue grass on and on and on. White communities are just way more diverse when it comes to cultural interests or identities. And it's not until some white family moves into the hood, where parents and hobbits have much healthier, broader, view of self, that you ever see black youth willing to try other things. Like playing 'hacky sack'...I just saw white hobbit teaching black hobbit how to play hacky sack. Even though this is kind of a 'hood area'...the white youth doesn't see self as 'hood' and just sees self as 'a normal person', and as such hasn't been sucked into the negative self loathing mode that most males in the hood inherit. When areas are 'all black' all I see is crime, violence, gang type mentalities, hussling, hostility and more. It's not until whites move in, that I then start observing, arts and crafts, special events, kite flying, skate boarding, and other things that aren't associated with simply being a 'g'. And I for one find it very refreshing, and believe it or not other blacks do to, but simply don't know how to articulate it, or don't have the depth or mindset too. I've never seen 'blacks' bring diversity to any area they've taken over...all blacks, at least single mother hood types and their offspring bring to neighborhoods is 'thuggery, anger, and liter....lots and lots of liter. Sorry, that's just an honest open observation. All I observe, when blacks dominate area or apartment complex, is loud unruly hobbits running around un supervised, no after school programs, no studying at home on computer, nothing. When I was at public place last year, sat down next to urban black male, nothing...absolutely nothing, dude had no idea how to talk, engage in conversation, unless it was in short street lingo. Then sat next to white male of similar age, and the white male was into science, was in college, was developing video game programs, and another older white male was into business development and talked his mouth off. But when I went back to sit around the black males... nothing, absolutely nothing but a dead intellectual tone. 'Ummm I don't know' 'Ummmm I don't know, ask that guy' That's all I'd get from the black males, absolutely nothing, which totally reflected the enviornments they came from...nothing. In conclusion, it's an absolute myth that 'blacks' bring diversity to areas, sorry but diversity has a heck of a lot more to do with mindset than it does color. And from what I observe, it's whites that bring diversity to areas, not urban blacks. Now before you go away fuming, I'm not suggesting all 'whites' are angels or saints, or perfect pop culture fuzz balls. Within white community you can find all kinds, even some whom are very hateful and resentful towards non whites. But they aren't the theme of this particular post, I'm just speaking in general here. And in general whites bring much more peace, calm, normality to neighborhoods than do urban type blacks. I've seen it, lived it, still am, with my own eyes. Continued on next post....
Post by X factor on Mar 27, 2014 17:00:41 GMT -5
San FranciscoTake San Francisco for example (continued from above). A place where the original 'Peace Love and Joy' hippie movement began and had roots. Back in the day, when hippie type of whites dominated the area, and created the vibe, it was a place all could arrive to, come to, and feel 'at ease', feel 'accepted', no matter how bizzare on the surface. San Francisco, when dominated by hippie type whites, just had a peace loving vibe to it. Fast forward to today, or at least the last time I was there, where now Mexican immigrants or even natives, have totally taken over the out skirts of city, and that once 'welcome' feeling that tourists use to love, has totally been replaced with 'hostile stares' and 'go away, we don't want you here' type of sentiment. Blacks and West Coast Hispanics tend to bring hostility and Gang bang culture to areas that once were tourist meccas. Angry, hostile immigrants arriving from war torn, or corrupt Governments, aren't going to have same relaxed culturely broad mindset as native whites do, or did have. So when the native white populations are pushed out, and taken over by angry bitter gang bang culture, the warm fuzzy feeling in the air just goes away. And is replaced by a sentiment far less receptive to others. It's sad, whites create opportunities for others, then others move in, shove whites out, and create their own bigoted inviornment. But because their not 'white' they're not accused of racism. Hispanics are probably twice, or 3 times more racist than your average white person, yet cause they're not white, they're allow to get away with it. Here, read this and you'll see what I mean... Mexican gangs ethnically cleansing Los Angeles of black populationBlacks and Mexicans and even Middle Easterners just seem to get away with racist behavior, and brutality, that whites aren't.
Post by X factor on Mar 28, 2014 3:27:09 GMT -5
Contrary to what civil rights activists, who live no where near the hood, think, hoods aren't places filled with peace loving, 1960's era, helpless victims, not even.
The hood mentality has become generational now, the hood mentality is a very preditorial one.
The hood is a self breathing entity now, with life of it's own totally unrelated to past social issues.
People in the hood are cruel and physically viscous to one another, and or others.
Out lining civil law and authority are the only things that keep the hoods from turning into primitive 3rd world habitations.
But even many 3rd world habitations have societies with rules, and morals, so that's not even a fair comparison.
3rd world doesn't mean 'immoral'...the hood has become very immoral, has removed godly principles from it's midst.
People reason totally different in the hood.
Yes, people are immoral everywhere, but at least in other areas civility reigns.
In other places, people are immoral inside their homes, in the hood people are blatantly immoral outside in public and on the streets.
Young men commit crimes early on, and then have to spend the rest of their lives hussling to get by.
No one forces anyone to commit a crime, it's a moral choice to do so.
But many don't have a biblically based moral platform in which to even measure or compare their own actions to, so if it feels right to the flesh, just do it.
Hood youth are the most scary youth on the planet, totally unpredictable in their capacity for violence.
The hood has become like the 'moral dead zone'...a dead zone kept alive by Government subsistence.
If not for Constant Government subsistence, there would be no hood, no housing, no food, as such people would wise up in a real quick hurry.
But in America, if you have a baby, Government steps in and takes care of the bills, which is the source of the hood. Government subsidies enables this type of behavior to continue, with no end in sight.
It allows people to reach adulthood with the mental capacity of a 'slave' leaving a plantation for the first time.
But in the hood, people have been brainwashed to see all this as 'cool'.
Some how developing traits that make one socially destructive is 'cool' in the hood, and rappers further celebrate and boast of this destructive mindset through albums they release.
And then have the nerves to still turn around and blame the 'white man' for this inner community social decay.
Nah, the hood mentality has become a self sustaining mindset totally independent of any 1960's era oppression.
And until people own up to this crap, it will never change.
Post by X factor on Mar 30, 2014 12:28:11 GMT -5
Sorry, but I don't have to be kind to those who are abusive, who abuse me, have abused me, in every way fashionable.
People who move in and make life miserable for everyone.
Or areas you move into, and are instantly taken advantage of, mocked, made fun of, simply cause you're not a stooge, simply cause you have your own identity, and refuse to replicate the destructive habits and styles and mindset that obviously leads to social destruction.
It's sick when the very people you once were trying to help, are to dense, stupid, brainwashed, to appreciate the fact that you're not 'enslaved'.
But they don't, there is no 'vision' in the hood, there's just 'today' and how I feel 'right now'.
Every single person in the hood, who grows up, ages, will one day realize I was totally right.
I've never met a 60 year old person who looks back and thinks their 'crooked' ways were ok.
Cause a hood person at 60 is either dead, or homeless, eating at the salvation army daily, instead of retired with nice pension or house of their own.
Stupid will catch up with everyone, sooner or later stupid will catch up with us all...
Post by X factor on Apr 3, 2014 19:07:20 GMT -5
Trying to help people in the hood 'change' for the better is like trying to help a dog infected with Rabies, like CujoYes, trying to help people who are mentally sick is like trying to help a animal infected with rabies, you will get attacked, beat up, thrown to the ground, and if not careful, infected. The hood mentality is like a virus, it will destroy the mind and body and more. But those infected just don't care, and when they do finally care, it's usually to late...so sad and tragic...
Post by X factor on Apr 6, 2014 8:10:56 GMT -5
After reading this news article...which totally describes life in the hood to the extreme.. New York housing project crime on the riseAfter reading this article, I observe there's a few things they could do to improve conditions for residents. 1. Separate housing project residents by age..duh I mean why house the elderly, like people 50, or maybe even 40 and over, who are retired, or working part time, why house them with those who are 18-30? Separate them, have housing complexes just for the elderly and responsible, drug dealers only go where there's customers...but you'd still have to be on guard against theft, robbery ect. so simply put fence around place with secure entry, key or electronic key or key pad code. and for a bonus add armed security at entrance. Also, from reading comments from other forum, some don't realize most of the criminals do not live there, don't have residents there, rather the residents, or some, are their customers. The housing projects simply represent a 'market' to criminals, the way a farmer may go to the Farmers market to sell goods. As far as some saying 'See, see, that's why stop and frisking all minorities is a good idea'... It takes being stopped and frisked by a cold cop that treats you like a barren piece of meat, in order for your view to change on that. I mean heck I've seen how annoyed people get in much more respected areas, when they get pulled over or questioned by the cops, first thing they start spouting in Amendment this, Constitutional rights that, but some how think it's OK to suspend both of those for law abiding minorities. You can stop and frisk criminals till they're blue in the face, and they'll still go about commiting crimes, many of which weapons aren't even needed for. They simply learn to not carry 'evidence' on them while traversing in public areas, like the Mob. It's how a Mob boss can run a whole city, yet have a clean record. It's really all a moral issue, if people don't have the morals to not want to commit a crime to begin with, it's kind of a mute cause.
Post by X factor on Apr 6, 2014 8:33:25 GMT -5
If our own bodies immune system behaved like many 'civil liberty groups, than we'd get sick and die off pretty quickBut luckily our bodies immune system doesn't behave like the ACLU, instead when our body see's a threat, our immune system instantly eliminates it. But if our bodies had lawyer equivalents, we'd constantly be sick. And society is like a body. We defend the rights of criminals to 'be free' and to 'terrorize others', thus weakening the whole nation. And those who defend such get rich, and never have to live in the same areas where their defendants wreak havoc on others. Nature is efficient because nature always, and immediately eliminates the threat, instead we cater to the threat, feed and house the threat...as such, as a body infected with viruses, and no immune system, this nation will get weak and die. Nature is smart, we are not, nature immediately kills off the threat, we house and feed the threat, and allow the threat to thrive.