Post by X factor on Aug 1, 2014 7:14:43 GMT -5
So anyways, as I wake up, as most of us wake up, and leave behind world that really matters, dreamscape world of no walls, where you're free to roam in abstract thought, as you wake up and that realm fades, it's as if putting on a pair of dry crusty shoes that don't really fit. Like stepping back into 'limits', a very one dimensional world, where no one can 'read' you, and you're totally cut off from others. But as day wears on, we're so distracted by stuff that doesn't matter that again, it just seems normal to most, but it's not.
Post by X factor on Aug 6, 2014 20:36:59 GMT -5
Odd dreams:
Dreamed, the other night, that a cripple, diseased, angry, hostile freakish Uncle came back to life, and was mad at everyone. No one wanted to be around them, but they were angry and loud.
I only kind of pretended to like them, or tolerate them as to not attract their wrath. Everyone, their Nieces and a few others, just wanted them to die and go away again, to return to the dark abyss.
It was an odd uncomfortable dream but wouldn't consider it a nightmare.
That same night, also dreamed of semi wild dogs in some ones back yard, about 8 of them, all laying together in high weeds under a tree and bush like trees.
But we got to close, and a Alpha dog didn't like that, and begin attacking us humans.
Post by X factor on Aug 19, 2014 17:06:04 GMT -5
Just woke up from touching dream of visiting place, small town, I was raised in, where older Senior citizen couple now lives in double wide mobile home that best friend grew up in while growing up in this small town.
(A dream)...and they let me and my mother in simply to compare a double wide vs a single wide.
Odd dream, yet I liked it, it was if I was actually truly back in place I grew up in.
Post by X factor on Aug 27, 2014 5:11:06 GMT -5
Had disturbing dream before I woke up, actually I woke up because of the dream and want to write it down while fresh in memory.
Dream took place in like a rural or edge of large town farmers market type place where they were selling food, meats, chicken..
I was walking through market, the outside market, or inside of large warehouse like barn with long rows of stands type of market, with hay and stuff scattered, kind of even had a 'fair' type of feel to it.
Anyways was walking through with lady that appeared to be my mother, we were discussing ethnic demographics, and why 'Hispanics' were shoving blacks aside, do 2 more intact families. (this part might of had something to do with 'Bill O'Reily' in that earlier that night on his show he pulled up charts.
But the next part of dream had nothing to do with his show..
And that is as we were strolling through food market, I noticed some diseased m/f's handling the food, touching the food, tasting the food and contaminating the food.
My reaction was one of anger and disgust. As such I violently threw a piece of chicken at one. And then starred down another...(now details are starting to fade).
But the second one, although diseased, felt 'entitled' to be there and actually got confrontational.
But in dream this odd sized diseased m/f (and I'm deliberately using that term cause that's how I felt in dream), anyways this odd sized diseased m/f starting coming at me.
Looked more like a dern mutant, but they were obviously human, diseased and a bit evil in that they didn't care that they were infecting others...they did not care, with their open wounds and all, and super large head, which was half eaten away by disease.
Like some leprosy type disease.
So they kept coming at me, so I backed away cause I knew their disease was contagious, and that if the mucus on their gummy decayed flesh got on me, I too would get infected, so I left, and they kept following while demanding equal rights and some other stuff.
They were evil, I could tell, they were mad, upset, that they were infected and felt like others should suffer like them.
Anyways this scary azz diseased moe foe kept coming at me and of course in dreams you always slow down, you want to move quickly but suddenly can't.
Then there was a pause (can't remember what took place between pause).
But then dream continued, this time, same food market and all, but was further down row, or in different row, when they spotted me again and said 'ye, that's them!', and started walking fast towards me, and that's when I woke up.
I wouldn't classify this dream as a nightmare, but rather as being disturbing enough for me to wake up in order to avoid situation.
Now, what type of possible meaning could this dream have to real life events?
1. Possibly related to resent ebola outbreak in Africa?
Maybe dream was telling me that many infected people left that area, totally unconcerned about whether they had ebola are not, and by leaving area, coming to America, will eventually infect others unknowingly by going to markets and touching food and all.
Again I don't know, just speculating, all I know is the theme of the dream was that not all diseased people are innocent helpless people, that some are evil, and intent on spreading whatever they have to others out of spite.
And that some of them are being facilitated to do so do to 'political correctness' by authorities who could of stopped them.
Allowing a few to exercise their civil rights while allowing this few to contaminate countless others.
The dream really disturbed me at how deliberate and mean and selfish these diseased people were in dream, touching food, tasting food, handling food in public market, and then putting it back in stand so others could get infected.
And no one called them on it accept me.
Again, just a dream, but one with real life implications, one that could truly take place, or is taking place in real life.
And just so you know, and might be wondering, the disease individual was a 'white male'. Not sure if that represents that one doctor guy that came back from Africa with ebola or not.
With dreams you just never know cause dreams can present things, situations in such abstract ways.
Post by X factor on Aug 27, 2014 5:18:31 GMT -5
Also had a dream that some famous Hispanic actress passed away, but don't know whether it was dream or something I heard on radio while in a half sleep.
Post by X factor on Sept 10, 2014 6:34:03 GMT -5
I dreamed that national talk show host 'Neil Bortz' was taking off from airport, climbed to steeply, and stalled his aircraft... He was in a flat spin, tried recovering, but couldn't. In the dream not sure if he lived or died, as there was no explosion as his airplane sank below tree line. He had his daughter or someone on board with him. Just a dream, but like I said earlier it's important to share dreams that seem more plausible to occur than not.
Post by X factor on Sept 16, 2014 20:10:24 GMT -5
Flooding in house from roofI dreamed last night that women living in decent home was flooding from upper floors, like from rain or maybe leaking over head pipes. But sad part was they were to afraid of landlord to complain...and even more odd, in dream they were my relatives. I felt sorry for them and wanted to intervene, I got upset and angry, but they seemed content to live with the flooding, as if evil landlord had them under a spell or something. Not sure what dream meant, I just know it made me feel sad, and all I can say is check on your relatives, always, and make sure they're doing OK.
Post by X factor on Sept 23, 2014 7:06:10 GMT -5
Upset stud male deer in heat
I dreamed myself and a few others walking around in small country town in kind of abandoned area of down town, when came upon an angry, hostile, very territorial Deer, very large male day, who was in heat, and intent on protecting territory from all intruders.
To make long dream short, gigantic deer ended up attacking me and the party I was with.
Scary dream in that we tried running, opening doors to get inside, but in dreams seems all motions are delayed, your arms suddenly move in slow motion, you think 'open door' but your arms don't seem to reply quick enough.
In the end, the deer looked 'white', and kind of morphed into something, and those I was with used me as a shield to separate themselves from mutated deer, and that's when I awoke.
Post by X factor on Oct 8, 2014 21:22:23 GMT -5
Can't control what you dream about. But last night had some scary dreams of front door. In one dream sequence, there was a disturbance at front door, opened door, and looked down stairs and saw jeans standing with no one inside of them... In dream, they were just jeans, with heavy wind blowing on them, as I opened door...you could hear wind blowing on jeans, but no one was in them, yet were standing. Then in second sequence, someone knocked on door, I opened front door, and short Mexican dude rushed me. It was scary...they meant harm and were up to no good. Then had 3rd dream, forget in which order, of samoen or somoin youths attacking me, robbing me of TV I was carrying down street. Again...these are dreams and half the time have no idea what they mean.
Post by X factor on Oct 8, 2014 22:20:00 GMT -5
I had troubling dreams last night, they felt real.
Almost nightmares.
Never could understand why body generates nightmares which can actually kill you if you have a weak heart or can't wake up.
Why would the body generate images, emotions, situations, designed to kill self?
Sometimes I think outer forces are involved in nightmares, demonic forces or entities.
Cause some times you have nightmares, horrid depictions of things, situations, that in your wildest awake, conscious state could not generate, yet do while aslseep, as if an external presence injects it into your mind.
No wonder so many die in sleep do to darkish nightmares that make you have heart attack do to stress.
Post by X factor on Oct 22, 2014 21:16:06 GMT -5
Odd dream, don't have time to elaborate.....
Being in room, 4 black males between ages 21-25 track you down, want to do harm, your time has come, they're there to destroy you, but do to fact leader of group, who looks like Tupac, feels sorry for you, and the fact you're humble and kind of 'cute'...they decide to give you a pass.
They leave, and you feel relieved.
Post by X factor on Nov 1, 2014 1:04:26 GMT -5
The only time I seem to have a good time anymore in when I'm asleep and dreaming.....as soon as I wake up I'm filled with a sense of dread.
Post by X factor on Nov 8, 2014 1:19:43 GMT -5
I was deep in a dream when power went out, which awakened me when sound of speakers ect kept resetting. Before I awoke I was in a dream carrying BMX bike up some stairs, as gate closed in other direction I was going and had to back track. And there was big semi truck I had to cross aside and in front of. It was night, at first, but when climbing stairs looked like day time. And before that, in separate dream, was crossing one of those wooden plank suspension bridges, the kind you see in the movies where safari group has to cross some flimsy ridge bridge in movie, and it swings like a swing cause it's not built on a solid platform. Which started with me following 2 other trucks hauling those mobile homes, got separated from them, then ended up on foot crossing wooden plank bridge, got to other side and was helping to others climb cliff. The sequences of dreams were changing quick, had I not woke up do to sudden power outage, I'd probably still be dreaming.
Post by X factor on Nov 25, 2014 23:59:36 GMT -5
When is a dream not a dream?A dream is not a pure dream when possibly controlled by an outside entity. Kind of like when sleeping, in light sleep, and mind absorbs sounds around you, and incorporates those sounds into dream. If some things speaks, yells, taps at you, while in a sleep state, and you're hearing, or feeling it, that's not a dream, even though you may be in sleep like state. Some believe that spirits, entities, other beings, have the ability to tap into your mind when at certain levels of sleep. Sort of the way you insert a mic jack into a computer or sound system, once plugged in it's amplified...your mind can hear it. And these entities can sometimes suggest very ugly rotten things you would never think of on your own. For what would be the purpose of conjuring up images that make you very uncomfortable, or memories or scenes ect. When in sleep like state, you can still tell or distinquish external noise not produced by the mind, as if something is speaking into your mind instead. These occurances can be so odd and bizzare that no one would believe you, or most would be to uncomfortable to share even if some one did believe. But here in the zone, and other such places, such things are discussed.
Post by X factor on Dec 2, 2014 18:33:45 GMT -5
Bubble from underneathThe following is just one sequence in a larger scene, which I won't bother to explain. But it was night, dark, by Ocean or Bay, Mountains close to Ocean, a lot of military activity going on. Wandered off into side pond or lake or inlet...was with someone. Still dark out, but inside type of dark, as if whole environment was a stage set inside. All that aside. We were standing, looking, at edge of pool of water...again Lake or inlet or something. Could see bubbles rising, I assumed it might be a see cow or manatee. But it wasn't. Shortly after bubbles began rising a snapping Alligator came up on shore...it was an Alligator, and it came ashore with jaws wide open trying to eat me, since I was the closest thing to it. I feel on butt, back side, kicked mouth with legs and feet...but couldn't move out of way quick enough do to that whole sluggish can't move dream effect. I felt frustrated and very deceived by this occurrence. The alligator was hungry and wanted to eat someone, anyone, but I happen to be closest to it. I remember feeling angry, mad, at how unfair life could be sometimes, and that when chosen for destruction and swift and fast it comes, how ruthless it can be, and how no one can really save you. In dream I did not get eaten, I either awoke or shifted sequences...can't remember. But do remember feeling upset at how I was tricked...how I though bubbles were coming from harmless sea cow, and instead it was a deceptive alligator trying to devour anyone in it's path. Is that symbolic of something?...who knows