Post by X factor on Nov 24, 2015 9:48:59 GMT -5
I'll tell you what's not fairWhat's not fair is not knowing if there's really a divine, supernatural deity that can really continue your self aware conscious stream after body dies. It's not fair not knowing if this is true or not. Why is it not fair? Cause most live their current biological life based on if or not there's an afterlife (religion, ethics ect) If there is no God that can continue your conscious stream, self awareness, after life than to me nothing at all matters...nothing. If there is no awareness after death, than man is no more significant than a fly. I mean if there's no afterlife, no reward for good behavior, rituals, ethics, than in the end a Saint is no better off than a thief. That means those, in this current world, who rob, cheat and steal in order to get ahead, truly are the smart ones, and those who are meek, humble, and sacrifice prosperity do to some notion of after world pay off, would indeed be the fools and suckers. But the issue is, no one knows for sure either way if there's an afterlife or not. I don't care what anyone says, on either side, until dead, you don't know. And that's the delima. It's like a gamble, some, many, gamble that there is a divine, supernatural being that can actually transfer your self aware conscious to another body, others do not. And as far as I'm concerned, reincarnation means nothing to me if you're not able to remember past lives, for memory is apart of self awareness, and if your memory dies, you die. It's our memories and past recollections, good or bad, that make us who we are, without memory, you die. Memory is self, memory is self awareness, is love. If you can't remember what you went through, who you loved, why you loved them, nothing matters, it's like being dead. So screw reincarnation. If I had past lives and can't remember who or what I was, it's all meaningless to me. The only way an after life has meaning is if it's done the way the bible prescribes, and that is one is resurrected into a new body with full memory intact, but with a much better holy personality and nature of course. Or if one is spirit after death and still self aware. But spirit without body doesn't make sense. You need eyes to see. Just becoming a vapor, mist, how would you see, smell? Where would your brain be? You need a brain in order to collect data and connect with physical world around you. Scientifically just being a ghostly mist doesn't make sense, not even in the bible does that makes sense, I mean even the Angels have physical bodies. Even the Devil has a physical body. Without a physical body with receptors to make sense of world around you, not sure one can exist. Anyways...more to follow. I want there to be a God, I want there to be a resurrection, even a Hell, for to me anything is better than not existing at all.
Post by X factor on Dec 25, 2015 0:14:52 GMT -5
Sometimes 'Gods Love' seems pointless to me. Love is meaningless without a body to occupy, and unless you've ever truly been alone, without anyone, it's hard to understand that. You 'think' you're loved when life is surrounded by others who have a genuine interest in you, but when you exist in environment where no one has any interest in you at all what so over, then you begin to see things differently. Love usually produces 'outcome', a favorable outcome, a healthy outcome. If your outcome is never favorable or desirable, than what's 'loving' about it or ones existence? Or what if, as many into the church and bible suggest, 'Only a few are saved'.. I mean according to the bible, only a few are actually chosen to be saved by 'God'... Long ago I was into the bible a lot, and that's all particular church I went to emphasized over and over was how 'Only the elect' would be chosen by God, deemed 'Holy' enough to enter into Heaven or be saved. So then what happens to everyone else?If not chosen by God to be saved, or deemed 'Holy enough', than how should one live out rest of life? If God has rejected one, do to whatever reasons, than who are you then obligated to till your life ceases? If God has shut the door on you than where does one go? (assuming that whole premise is true). Kind of like the living 'damned', alive, breathing, but 'damned'. (again, assuming the biblical interpritation of that premise is true). If God has rejected you, is Satan still the villain? I mean if Satan is 'damned' and you're also damned, does that make you allies? Who knows.
Post by X factor on Jan 8, 2016 2:48:34 GMT -5
If God doesn't exist, if no life after death, then does anything really matter?
If God doesn't exist, a God that can give one life after body dies, than what really matters?
Would messing around with a Ouija board even matter if there is no God that can save ones soul after death?
Post by X factor on Mar 28, 2016 18:39:53 GMT -5
How can any one feel safe 'God', the one of the bible, will protect them from anything when 'Christians' being destroyed in middle east?
I mean if 'God' the one of the bible, won't, can't protect Christians celebrating his own resurrection, than how can any one be confident that 'God' will or wants to protect them in much smaller matters than being blown to bits?
I mean if one is a God, everywhere at once, and sees ahead of time what's about to occur, yet doesn't prevent it, than where's the power?
Where's the power in being a 'good' and 'holy' God if can know in advance what's about to occur, yet do nothing to prevent it?
I don't know, just lately seeing people around the planet willing to die, be killed, risk persecution, for a God, or Gods, that may not even exist.
Post by X factor on Jun 18, 2016 1:38:50 GMT -5
If you can't find a way to live outside your body, than life is totally meaningless.
If there is no life after body withers, than human life is no more significant that the life of a grasshopper.
Post by X factor on Jun 25, 2016 22:52:05 GMT -5
Every time you play the lottery, play scratch off, and don't win, just reminds you all the more there isn't any all controlling divine God that cares about 'you'.Sorry, but every time you play the lottery, or scratch off ticket, tickets, and don't win, just reminds you all the more how there is no all divine, knowing 'God' that cares about you or your particular outcome in life. Jesus left the world at 33, according to scholars, he never had to face old age or retirornment (or however it's spelled) Jesus left during his prime, and never had to face declining physical years. You have a good heart, would help others, if you had millions, yet only seem to win $2.00 prizes on scratch off, barely enough for a candy bar... In the mean time people who cheat, steal, rob, fornicate, kill, exploit, sell drugs, lie, ect, live in Mansions and are rewarded with cash and dough 'now', 'today' while alive, and rewards are certain!! Yet you, as a faith believer, are told you must wait till 'dead', stricken with some kind of illness that 'Is Gods will', in order to reap your reward for being a sucker... Yes, of course I'm mad.
Post by X factor on Jun 25, 2016 23:24:40 GMT -5
According to 'racist' whites from the past, and still some today, 'blacks' or any one with brown skin, desendents of 'Satan' or the Devil
If this is true, should all people of color just stop going to church?, and immediately set up shrines to 'the devil'?
If all brown skinned peoples of the world Satan's off spring, why even bother doing missionary work then?
If fate and destiny pre determined by chance DNA at birth, than why bother praising 'Jesus' if according to racist whites, having brown skin means Satan created you.
To me, none of it makes sense, and no one is divine to me.
One cultures angels is another cultures demons..
Post by X factor on Aug 16, 2016 20:13:07 GMT -5
Just seems kind of creepy and 'off' to me that in order to meet 'God' or 'A god' that you have to die first, as bulletein board said today. Why do you have to die, in order to me 'God' Why? Why can't you meet god while alive? Ye, I've heard all the 'God is so pure his light would slain you' stuff, but if God, and all powerful, why couldn't they over come that? Why must you die first, then meet God?..just seems kind of creepy. And really makes no sense.
Post by X factor on Sept 3, 2016 3:05:42 GMT -5
Why do so many, even raised within same nation or nations, develop such different moral absolutes?God, no God?, created, not created? Obviously life was created, the question for many is whether it was done on purpose or accident? Also, when only using 'self' as a self sustaining Universe, where does each persons sense of right and wrong come from? Some reading this see no problem with stealing, could care the less about who they hurt by stealing, some, who are more dark (for whatever reason) see no problem with taking another human life. Yet some feel bad about even killing a mouse yet a person who wouldn't kill a mouse, like Hitler, then sees no problem with exterminating millions of others, yet feels guilty about eating meat. Some cheat, others do not, and could go on and on. Could go even deeper than behavior that effects others to behavior and decisions that only effect self, that generate 'guilt', when one moves against own moral conscious. Like maybe drinking, when swore not to anymore, or laying around all day, accomplishing nothing, then feeling bad about it later. This urge to be better, do more, where does it come from? And why does guilt linger in some, yet not others, whether religious or not. And if not religious, than what does one attribute this to? If no ultimate purpose for being 'good', than what's the point? If no ultimate purpose to being good, than where is good leading some? Is good something that has to individually activated within another at an early age? And can good only be done only for the sake of 'God'? Is what we feel inside even based on what 'god' would feel, or is it totally independent of any being outside of self? Sometimes can feel about something for hours, days, yet no one knows that but 'you'. But some can feel 'bad', not cause of missed chance to be good, but cause of lost opportunity to be bad or victimize another. Criminals feel bad when missed opportunity to steal car with keys inside, they feel bad cause in their minds, they failed to victimize another while personally gaining. They have as little thought towards their victim than an insect that stings you and sucks your blood. Basically a human without any positive moral compass is basically a insect, cold and callous. Like this 'robber fly'. Don't matter male or female, young or old, people without any good moral compass are more advanced insects. Like so many raised in todays inner city environment, and the senseless crimes being committed on the streets. I watch crime shows, and see how these suspects, takers of other life and property, get booked, and how cold and callous they act, like there's nothing inside of them but a cold callous insect, that happens to appear human. They're not the only ones committing crime though, or lying or hurting others, it's just street crime is way more visual, many in corporations, working for city administrations, commit crimes to, but usually are fraud related, stealing millions, padding bank accounts. Bottom line, most people are monsters, and have no problem being a monster, as long as 'self' is preserved. As long as self interests is preserved, than doesn't matter who else they hurt or displace, even nations begin this way. And end the end all end up on a casket, so unless there's more to being 'good', than for self, I guess in the end it doesn't matter, accept when alive for it to matter.
Post by X factor on Oct 6, 2016 20:59:39 GMT -5
What if 'God' exists but unable to give people remembered conscious thoughts after death?
And why does man say 'god' confined to a book, if indeed 'god' cannot 'god' do, be, whatever it wants?
When it wants?...
If a 'God', cannot this god be both evil and good?
Like whom it wants, hate whom it wants?
I don't know...
Post by X factor on Nov 25, 2016 22:03:47 GMT -5
The longer I live, have time to think, the less sense a 'god' makes to me
Why would a 'god' in control allow one set of believers to conquer, destroy, physically hurt, another set of believers?
Something is just really 'off' here...
Step outside your flesh, self interest, step outside your DNA, and you to will begin to realize somethings just very 'off' here.
Post by X factor on Apr 2, 2017 8:11:31 GMT -5
I got invited to church yesterday
I got invited to church yesterday, and only accepted cause I was 'drunk' at the time, now I regret saying I'd possibly go, wish I'd outright said no now.
I don't need the whole church service routine in my life right now, to me it simply takes up a big chunk of my weekend time.
The issues I have in life right now won't be solved by any one sermon, or people saying 'hi, hello', over and over again, or the promise of Gods love or any of that, none of that will solve anything in my life.
To me, it just feels like work, in that not at home while there, forced to sit and listen to stale sermon I've heard 1000's of time before.
What I need is 'love', a family, not to listen to stale sermon.
Maybe, just maybe, by going could maybe meet someone, that would be the only thing I get out of it, so if I see it more as chance to meet someone, or them me, I may be able to stomach going...we shall see...service at 11.
Post by X factor on Jul 1, 2017 23:27:23 GMT -5
Today I felt hostile towards both God and the Devil
Today, for a moment, I felt mad at both God and the Devil, or at least my understanding of both, throughout the years.
I felt mad at God for being so 'passive', and of course blamed the Devil for all wrong in life right now.
Sometimes I feel like 'Job' of the bible, just inflicted with stuff designed specifically to keep my moral and spirit down, separated from family, no real friends, nothing, and to low of an income to go forward, just stuck, with no social life (now though, not even sure I want a social life anymore)
Lost dreams, buried ambitions, that even if fulfilled today, wouldn't be the same as if fulfilled during prime of life, and before life experience 'blotched' moral and innocent view of the world and others.
And always losing things, items, you need and care about, while crap you don't need, seem to never lose.
Spending money on stuff, just for items to break down, bad floor sales people who instead of listening to you, the customer, just seem more interested in talking 'to the sky', on their headsets, thus end up buying wrong item.
It just all accumulated today, in that seemed no matter how hard one works, can never get ahead, rent always goes up, this bill, that bill.
I just felt mad at god, hostile, and felt like it's what the devil wanted, it and it's team.
Felt like they were watching, and getting pleasure out of separating me from my faith in god, my faith that god will ever help me become anything while still healthy enough to care or be able to.
To be unloved by all, to have no one or nothing to confide in, ever, it just got to me today.
It's a rotten world we live in, humans seem very small to me now, useless to me in that no one ever helps.
Everything just seems 'fake' to me now.
Celebrities, athletes, rich wealthy types, news Anchors on cable TV, all protecting their own interests by locking all out, accept those within own circles.
Tired of pretending things will ever get better, just do so to keep own moral up I suppose.
Post by X factor on Apr 8, 2018 20:28:32 GMT -5
What does it mean to be 'holy'?
I'm not sure what it means to be 'Holy' anymore...clean, pure, without dirty thoughts?
Than no person can achieve that really...obeying the law, yes...but are laws 'holy'?
Depends on where one lives, or Cuban laws holy?, or North Korean laws holy? and so forth.
Or is being holy always asking a divine God for forgiveness?
But what if never do anything wrong?
I think every living creature lusts, is why the world remains populated.
Everyone has their own idea of what soxy is, and are attracted to that, especially if alone or lonely.
I don't thin man can no more supress lust than one can supress their own appetite for food.
Some are just better at pretending they don't lust, under the guise of religion ect.
But even if never have ____ ones own body will eventually force them to have a w dream...
Oh well...here one minute, cosmic minute, then we're all gone...
Post by X factor on Dec 14, 2018 20:49:56 GMT -5
I find it hard to believe the same loving 'God' that created spiders, with ugly fangs, then turned around and created man.