Some today seem to worship capitalism and money and stuff and hoarding of stuff...
Some today seem to think this is the best system man has ever devised...and measure pleasure by the materialistic manufactured goods they can buy.
But to me, capitalism is simply another form of enslavement...strips, has stripped, entire cultures, who were doing just fine before capitalism, of their independence and right to be free.
This whole 'modern man' which everyone measures happiness...I question it...
I'm beginning to think this model of life is a short term trap, more than long term prosperity for man.
Now mind you, just because I'm questioning the merits of capitalism doesn't mean I support communism either...for both systems are a form of Government forced unto people.(Governments need enterprise in order to survive, so both Gov/big business are married today)
I question any system where many are forced to live under central rule, where there existence is simply to benefit the Government they're born under.
And I do realize before capitalism and communism you had 'Empires'...'Kingdoms' that still demanded certain services of it's citizens.
So I will try to be as fair as I can when exploring various systems, how they came to be, and how people lived up under them.
This will be a very long study...looking at different cultures, time periods ect.
But it's a journey in the past I feel I must take, in order to better understand where we are headed as a planet...